Sunday, August 16, 2009

Go Chiefs!

I went to my second Chiefs home football game last night! Before the game we all tailgated at Grama and Papa Fimmen's house! Papa used his BIG NEW smoker for the 1st time and made some really yummy food! Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob Rob ( I have been calling him "Rob Rob" lately!), both my Grama and Papa's, Mommy, Daddy and me were all there!

I must admit I do not really remember my first Chiefs game last year and I was kinda scared at all the cheering and the very loud noises! The music was really loud and so were the fireworks! They made me cry! I did like KC Wolf though and giggled when he came out and did his little skit on the field! I was pretty happy when the rain came REALLY hard and Daddy said it was time to go! We all ran to the car to try to beat the rain! It was fun!!

I heard mom and dad say this was my last game this year...hmm, wonder what they will do with me???

Chillin' with Daddy!

Here are some pics of daddy and me chillin'! The other day he was teasing me with my paci and I said "Come on!" It made Grama Vicki and Papa Dick laugh!!!


I am obsessed with "Yip stick" and beg for it from everyone! Every time we are in the car I say "purse...yips" to mommy to try to get her to let me put on her lip gloss....BUT by MYSELF! When I was a baby it was okay for her to dab some on my lips, but now that I am a BIG girl I can do it all by myself!!! I really love mommy's "yips" because it tastes really good and minty!

In Grama Fimmen's new house she has a vanity in her bathroom with a chair. She keeps all her "yip sticks" in the drawer at the vanity and she lets me sit at the chair and play with the "yips" for as long as I like...sometimes almost 45 minutes!!!

I can't wait until I am big enough to buy my own "yip stick" and carry it in my purse! Here are some pictures with me with my "yip stick" in my room!! I like to have it open and I carry the lid in one hand and the yip stick in the other!!
