Saturday, February 16, 2013

I am a SWIMMER!!!

I have really progressed in swimming this session and I am proud to say that I a OFFICIAL!!!  I can swim by myself.  I can do the back float, front float, back stroke and front stroke. I can open my eyes under water and swim, swim, swim!!  I am starting to work harder on doing little dolphin dives while in the pool and even swimming under water while holding my breath!  I have so much fun with Coach Angie!  I do not have swimming next session (bummer), but we are going to sign up again for the summer session!  I really love swimming!!!

5th Birthday Party Preview!!!

Here is a sneak preview at some more crafts mommy and I have been making for my birthday party!  I can't hardly wait...7 days til the BIG party (only 3 days until my birthday)!!!
