Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Momma and Dadda"

Well, I can't talk yet, but boy does it make me smile to hear mom sound so silly when she tries to get me to say "momma" and "dadda". One day I will surprise them both and talk...wonder what I will say first? Maybe "Murphy"!!




"Bad Cough"

I have a new game I love to play - I call it "bad cough" and it is so much fun! I do a pretend cough and then mom or dad says "bad cough", I cough again and mom or dad says "bad cough" and we do it over and over again!! The game can go on forever and it is just great! Here is a video with a little example of the game...when you come over we can play!




It was very HOT this week!! In fact, I got to experience my first 100 degree day - let's hope there are not many more of those this year! Mom and Dad barely let me leave the house it was so hot! They said it is not good for a baby my size to get in and out of a hot car all day. I think they are right with this one. I did not like it at all!!

Mom and I went shopping today and we had a lot of fun. She did not buy me anything though, but I managed to enjoy myself!

This week we are watching my Aunt Jenny's dog Peanut. I think he is my cousin (kinda like Tom is my cousin). We go over to Peanuts house a lot during the day and play with him and take him outside to go potty. He really likes me! He barks and gives me lots of kisses when he see's me! I like him a lot too. I like to pet him and tickle him with my toes. He is funny and likes to play a lot! Mom keeps throwing him his toy and if she does not throw it right away he barks at her like crazy! He is also a really good jumper - he can jump as high as my mom hair!! can you believe that! My puppy Murphy gets a little bit jealous that I get to play with Peanut and she doesn't. I come home and give Murphy lots of kisses though and tell her she is my best friend!

I got a new piano that I love to play. I told Daddy that I want to take piano lessons and get a big piano when I am bigger. He said I will have to try my lessons on a keyboard first! I don't think that real piano players play on a keyboard though!

Here are some pictures at Peanuts house. He loves to play with me!

Here is a picture mom and I took of ourselves at Peanuts house!

Here is a picture of my puppy "Murphy"!!

Here's a pic of me in my PJ's!!


