Saturday, November 27, 2010


We had so much fun this Thanksgiving break! Mommy took off work all week and Daddy had off all week but Monday! We got to play a lot together and I LOVED it!

Monday Mom and I went over to Nama and Papa's and we all went shopping with Aunt Jenny and Anna! That night Nama, Papa, Mommy, Daddy and I all went to Jalapenos for taco night...YUMMY!

Tuesday Mommy, Daddy and I played all day long and then on Wednesday we woke up and drove down to Pittsburg. We were going to see Gigi and Gipa, but Gigi was not feeling good. I sure hope she feels better now! We played with Nama Vicki and Papa Dick. We even got to see the brand new movie "Tangled" at the movie theater. It is a movie about the Princess Rapunzel and I Loved it! I watched every second of the movie and kept asking where the bad girl was and what her name was! It was a great movie....I am pretending to be her now...even have the Rapunzel costume! That night we went out to dinner at the Mall deli and I had a yummy hot dog. We got to throw pennies in the fountain and then we went to Nama Vicki and Papa Dicks house and played until really late! Mommy, Daddy and I all slept in Daddy's room when he was a kid!

On Thanksgiving we headed over to Parson's to have lunch and to see all the Hortons. There were about 40 of them there and I was not shy at all! I played and talked with everyone and had so much fun! I especially loved Travis (Daddy's cousin) and Daddy's cousin's son Reece! I took a good long nap in the car from Pittsburg to Nama and Pap's house in Kansas City! When we got to Nama and Papa's house Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob and Anna were all there ready to play and have a BIG Thanksgiving dinner! Anna and I did the crazy cousin dance a lot, played, ate and took lots of pictures (I even took the pictures with Nama's camera...they were really good)!

I had so much fun! Now I can not wait until Christmas to do it all again!

P.S. Pictures will come soon!