Sunday, August 23, 2009

The park and dinner with Papa Dick!

Mommy, Daddy, Papa and I went to a new park today and went on the swings and down the slide! It was so much fun...I can swing FOREVER!! After the park we went to SPIN pizza for dinner. I had so many snacks earlier and it was so early that I was not hungry...BUT, I had lots of fun with Papa!!

My FIRST hair cut...I mean bang trim!!

Today I had my very first haircut! Mom and Dad took me to this kiddie hair cutting place where I got to sit in a cool car and a lady came with a sharp pair of scissors to cut off my hair! Mom told her we were there for a "bang trim" and that my curls did not need to be cut off as I am a girl and my hair can get really long!! Right now the curls are so tight that my hair looks pretty short though! Mom and Dad hope I have the curls forever. I really like them too...I point to them and say "curls"! I love it that people say I have pretty hair!!

After the haircut (that lasted 3 minutes) that mom and dad said was very expensive ($7.95 + tip for 3 snips of a scissor) they gave me a bright red lollipop! It was my first sucker ever and it was SO good!

It sounds like mom watched how they cut my bangs, so I may not be going back there for awhile...I sure hope mom does not mess my hair up!

Cheese dip and golfing!! you may know, I love cheese dip JUST like my daddy (although I make a little bit more of a mess with it then he does). The below pictures are from Jalapenos Friday night. I love the dip so much that sometimes I don't even use chips...I just use my hand! haha!!

Although I am similar to daddy in my love of Mexican food, I am like my mommy when it comes to athletic ability. I would much rather do the cheering than the playing. See below pictures of daddy trying to teach me to golf...I really do not care to learn sports. I will leave that up to my cousin Tom! I would rather dance and play and sing all day long...lalalalalalalala!!

Sha na na 6:25am

I woke up really early yesterday and really happy! My mom and dad woke up hearing me sing "Sha na na na, sha na na na, hey hey hey goodbye" through the monitor! They thought it was hilarious!! I was singing to lamby...I just love lamby!