Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Easter Bunny Came!!

I have been waiting for so long and he FINALLY came! I had so much fun on Easter! I woke up and mommy and daddy took me downstairs and I saw the Easter bunny visited our house. I searched for big eggs and got a basket full of treats. After church we all went over to Grama and Pa's house where EVERYONE came to celebrate! Grama and Pa Fimmen, Grama and Pa Horton, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Peanut, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tom, cousin Tom, Miss Nancy, Michelle and Mary! It was so much fun! The Easter Bunny came to their house too and Tom and I got to dress up in bunny costumes and hunt for eggs...there were millions of them! It took us some time to get into it, but we got some of the eggs. It was a bit rainy and cold out so Tom and I decided we would let all the adults finish picking up the rest of the millions of eggs when we were tired. We were sure surprised and excited when we got inside and got to open those eggs though!!! They were filled with all our favorite things...Goldfish, Nilla wafers and Teddy Graham...there were even a few Elmo eggs filled with Oreos!!! I had never had an Oreo before, but they might just be the best things ever invented. It is really cool how my mouth gets all dirty when I eat them too! I kept saying "more" over and over again for those!! Mmm!

Thank you everyone for making my Easter so special! I love you!
