Monday, September 7, 2009

I stayed up LATE last night!

I love holiday weekends because mom and dad let me stay up late and play with them! Last night we played in the bathy, had a fashion show, watched TV, read books, made a pillow fort, daddy tickled me and had SO much fun!


Boy do I love bath time (well, sometimes). Last night I had a super fun time playing and splashing! Mom let me play with these new bath crayons…I drew all over the tub and it was so much fun!! I also love to stand up in the bathy, but mommy and daddy tell me to be careful and ask me to sit down!!

So, mom is obsessed with this website called It has all kinds of homemade stuff on it and she has been buying me some new fall clothes from it. So far everything has been super cute. Here I am having a fashion show with one of my new outfits!!


Grama and Papa have the coolest thing by their house…a HORSE farm! You can drop off your grass clippings after you mow your yard and all the horsies will come right up and eat it and give you kisses! There are about 50 or so horsies, goats, donkeys, lambies and all sorts of fun animals! Papa took Tom and I there this week and we got to see it all in action. It is so cool! Here are some fun pictures!

Labor Day weekend!

Boy do I love craziness, crowds and a party!! Good thing because this week was all of that and I had SO much fun! My cousins are in town, Uncle Tom, Aunt Carolyn and GG!! We had lots of people at Grama and Papa’s house and many parties! Meghan got baptized and we went to the same church I was baptized in…I even recognized the stained glass on the ceiling and kept pointing to it and saying “that”! Mom and Dad think I have to learn how to speak in a “church voice” and be quieter, because they thought I was too loud. It was okay though because since I was so loud Daddy took me outside during church and we got to play!! It was so fun! We had cake and hot dogs at Meghan’s party…Mmmm!!

GG made homemade fried chicken one night because Aunt Nenny wanted to learn how. It was SO good! One day GG will have to teach me how to cook it! I love to cook. Aunt Nenny is still on bed rest (in fact, she had to stay the night at the hospital the other night because she got a fever…but don’t worry, she and Anna are ok) but she and Uncle Rob Rob came over to cook! I was so glad I got to see them!

I love long weekend because that means I get to spend lots of time with mom and dad. We went on wagon rides, went out to dinner, played, watched TV, read books, sang songs, danced and did lots of fun stuff together!
