Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bedtime talk

As mommy was rocking me tonight (for the 2nd time) I was having a conversation that she found pretty amusing. She told me that it was bedtime in a few minutes so I played out and talked her through what our conversation was going to be like....

"Mommy will say "it's bedtime Kate" and I will say "I do not want to go to bed, I want to rocky rock some more". Mommy will say "you have to go to bed and stop crying". I will not want to go to bed and tell mommy "I want to go into mommy and daddy's bed and cuddle and play"......". This went on for a few minutes until mommy broke up all the fun and put me back in bed! I creid some more.

"July will be a big Month"

Mommy keeps talking about how July will be a big month for us. She thinks I will be potty trained and paci free by the end of this month. A pretty big goal if you ask me! It is only day 6 and it is pretty hard without paci! I have been trying big girl panties and I really love them. I have Princess Tiana one's, Hello Kitty one's, Minnie Mouse one's and Tinker Bell one's. The are all really cool and I do a good job wearing them for pretty long stretches. The problem is...I do not want to go potty in the big girl potty. Once I get my diaper back on (for naps and bed time) I pee and poop in my diaper.

Everyone is really proud of me when I wear the panties though and I am proud of myself! We will see pretty soon how big of a month July is. I will keep you posted!

Bedtime Procrastination!

Now that I do not have pacis it is really hard to go to sleep. So hard to go to sleep that I scream, bawl and procrastinate sleeping any way I can possibly think of. Tonight I begged mommy and daddy for more hugs, kisses, rocky rocks, cuddles, glasses of water and even told them multiple times I had to go potty on the big girl potty (they fell for it once). I scream and cry and loud and as hard as possible so they understand the kind of pain I am in without my paci. Wouldn't you miss the one thing that soothed and comforted you for the last 2 years 4 months and 17 days? I thought so!

Goodbye Pacis! I love you!

I learned of a horrific little fairy called "Paci Fairy"! It appears she came to my room the other night and took all my pacis to give them to baby girls and baby boys that need them. As everybody has been telling me "I am too big for pacis". In exchange for my wonderful pacis she left me a TinkerBell Pez candy thing that I really love and $1 so that I could shop and pick out something else for me to sleep with (instead of my wonderful and favorite pacis). I was really excited about the loot under my pillow, but NOT excited about her taking all my pacis - after all, they are my best friends!

Last night was a hard night for everyone. Finally mommy and daddy conceding to my crying and screaming and let me sleep in their room (something mommy mentioned will not happen again). Once I was in there room I magically forgot about paci and fell to sleep.

I was sad to learn that the paci fairy ALSO went to Nama's house and took away all my pacis there. I had a big cry at nap time (something I never do), but finally fell asleep.

Tonight mommy and daddy took me to Babies R Us (the store I picked out) to shop for my Paci Fairy present. I got the coolest bright yellow duck stuffed animals. I love both stuffed animals and ducky's - so this is the perfect combination. I named him "Quack Quack" and the plan is to sleep with him for now on and whenever I think of pacis hug and squeeze Quack Quack. I am not sure it is going to work, but I will try!

I will forever love my Pacis and miss them terribly!

Here is a little tribute to my pals...these are the last 2 pictures taken with them (after mommy cut holes in some) - look how happy they made me!

Chicken Nuggets

Mommy and I met Daddy at Wendy's for lunch yesterday. As we were driving to Wendy's mommy asked me what I wanted to eat - she said "Kate do you want chicken nuggets or a hamburger?". I told her I wanted a hamburger. When she asked me why I did not want chicken nuggets I told her "chicken nuggets are for McDonalds!" Mommy thought that was so funny!