Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

We chilled at Nama and Papa’s for a New Year’s Eve celebration!  We had yummy shrimp, crab legs and steak and then celebrated the ball dropping NYC time before going home early for bed!! happy New Year!

So sleepy!

Dave & Busters

We all got together at Dave & Busters for lunch, fun games snd to celebrate Aunt Jenny!  So fun!

Merry Fimmen Christmas!

We had an amazing Christmas filled with food, fun, presents and love!  Merry Christmas!

Christmas day at Nama and Papa’s

It appears this is the only photo we took!  We hung out, at lasagna dinner and had a blast.  Kate and I stayed the night with the Stilley cousins as the next day is when we are celebrating with everyone and presents!!

Christmas Morning!

Santa delivered big again on Christmas morning!  We had breakfast, opened gifts, “played” with our gifts, relaxed and had lunch before we headed to Mom and Dads for more Christmas fun!

Cookies for Santa!

Merry Christmas Eve!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came into town Christmas Eve Eve and we hung out, did some shopping, watched Kates volleyball practice and then went out to dinner at Hereford House.

On Christmas Eve we relaxed, ate a ton, opened gifts and had a blast!!  Just an amazing time!

Christmas shopping for Nama

We always meet Papa for a day full of Christmas shopping for Nama.  This year all the cousins joined and we had a blast.  We even surprised Nama with a lunch at Nick and Jakes…then more shopping!  

Annual Christmas lunch

We met Addi and Jen at Yaya’s for our annual Christmas lunch and gift exchange. Love this tradition that is now about 9 years in the making!!  We always go on the last half day of the school year.

Girls Christmas Party

This years girls Christmas party was amazing!  All of us were there as Dawnielle came in town from Arizona.  We love our time together…and are blessed to have each other!

Christmas Cookie Day!

Annual cookie baking day!  We made more than ever and then gifted them to friends and family…and ate a bunch too!!

Volleyball memory to never be forgotten

Kate served a perfect game by scoring 21 points for her team…winning 25-4.  They start the game 4-4, so shut outs are nearly impossible.  Coach told Kate to miss her last serve as it is disrespectful to shut a team out in volleyball.  She tried, but the other team tried to return her bullet and she scored!

An amazing day with the team finishing 2nd in the tournament.