Sunday, August 25, 2013

KATE (not Katie)

Mrs. Richardson calls me Kate in her class, all my classmates call me Kate, but for some reason my name is listed as "Katie" in all the school stuff and other class stuff.  They call me Katie is gym, Katie in music, Katie in computers, Katie in library, Katie in Spanish and even Katie in art.  I do not want to be called Katie (mommy doesn't either), but I have not yet corrected any of my teachers.  I complained to mom about it on Friday and she already sent a note to Mrs. Richardson asking her if she could help us get everyone to call me Kate.  We shall see!!!
KATE (not Katie)

Hot lunch!

I really like to buy hot lunch at school.  Mom and Dad let me do it once a week and I love to pick out just the right day to do it.  The first week I got a hamburger, a banana, Doritos's, water and chocolate milk....yummy! This week I got a hot dog, banana, pickles, chocolate milk and water.  It is so cool to buy it like an adult...even with my very own credit card!  Mom reminds me to make healthy choices...BORING!

1st Homework EVER!!!

Every Friday I get STAR homework assignments emailed to mom and dad.  It is not mandatory, but really helps me practice what I learned all week long.  I got my first homework this Friday and we just did it a few minutes ago (it is going to be a tradition to do it every weekend).  

1.  Gather homework tools (3 pencils, scissors, glue stick, crayons) and a container to put them in. - Done...had to go to Target for glue sticks!
2. Find a spot where you will do homework at all the time. - Done...I picked the craft room table and set all my stuff there.
3.  Write your first name 3 times - K and lowercase a,t,e. We practiced this a bunch of times as I want to master my lowercase letters
4.  Draw a picture of you at your homework spot - Done...I drew the craft room table and me and mom around it.  I even drew the stuff on the center of the table!
5.  Cut out the curved and curved dash lines with your scissors. - was super surprised at how good I am at scissors!

I really like my homework and can't wait to show Mrs. Richardson how great I did!


First soccer game of the season!

I had my first soccer practice of the season on Tuesday night at 5pm and my first game yesterday morning bright and early at 8am!  I am on the light blue team - we have not yet given ourselves a name!

I played really well and even almost scored a goal.  Trouble is, I get so excited when I kick the ball I look at mom and dad (and anyone who may be there to watch me....Papa yesterday) to see if they are excited too and, well, someone else takes the ball.  Oh well!  I do have lots of fun playing soccer!  Now I am learning all about hustling and going after that ball!

P.S. Did you notice I am #13 again!!!  2 years in a row - lucky 13!  This may have to be my sports number ALL the time!

Timbercreek Colts!

 On Friday we had school spirit day and everyone wore their class t-shirts.  Each class is a certain color and Kindergarten is green!  We also had all school picture day where we line up by class and make a huge rainbow!  A man was standing on the school roof to take our pictures!  This picture gets blown up really big and put in the entrance of the school for everyone to see!

I sure love my school!  Go Timbercreek Colts!


801 Chophouse!

The other night Daddy, mommy, Nama and I all went to 801 Chophouse for a DELICIOUS fancy meal!  Nama and I met mommy and daddy there and I got all fancy for the night!

We had such yummy food - steak, mac 'n cheese, green beans, asparagus, blue cheese potatoes, cheesy hash browns.....lots of great food!  It was such a fun night!


Mia update

Mia is adjusting well to our house and has even started to sleep better!  In the beginning she was screaming at the top of her lungs for long periods of time when we would all go to bed.  But, believe it or not.....Mia slept through the night last night!  Woohoo!

She did have major tummy problems Friday and Saturday where she had really bad diarrhea and we were really worried about her.  Luckily, she is better today and is back to her old self of chasing and biting me when she gets CRAZY and taking lots of naps.

Here she is liking her bed and crate.  We have not yet closed the door on the crate but she willingly goes in and rests.  She is so cute!
