Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tippins Pie!

To top off our FUN FREE SATURDAY we headed to Price Chopper because they had an event where kids got to make our very own Tippin's strawberry pie!  The bakers were there too and they helped me pour in the strawberries and squeeze the whipped cream topping!!  Isn't it beautiful?!?  SO MUCH FUN!


Charm it!

Last Saturday mom, dad and I went to Von Maur because they were having the Charm It company in for a really cool promotion.  I got to draw a picture of a charm I want that company to make.  There are winners in each age category.  If I am  winner I win $100 and they make me the exact charm I drew!  I drew a bear and I hope I win!  Just for entering the drawing I got a free ice cream sandwich charm...super cool!  It was a fun free thing to do on a Saturday!
