Saturday, July 12, 2008


Last night we went to a party at the Anderson's!! It was so much fun! Mr. Chris made pulled pork and ribs and everyone brought such great food - mommy and daddy said they ate way too much!! I got to play with all my friends!! Sydney, Michael and there were some other little friends there I got to meet! Mommy and Daddy always have so much fun with there friends! I hope when I get big I will have such great friends!! My best friend Sydney and I will have to have our kids play together too!! Maybe we will even invite our mom and dad's!! How much fun!!

Baby Bella!

My best friend Sydney told me about a new baby doll she was given as a gift and told me I would love it just as much as she does!!! Mommy bought it for me and Sydney was right - I just love my baby doll!! I named her baby bella and she is so soft and pretty. I like to chew on her hands and give her kisses!! She is just about as big as me, but mommy said I will be getting bigger and soon Bella will be little to me! I love her!


Royals Game

This week Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa Horton and I all went to a Royals game! It was my second baseball game, but first time to see the Royals...they lost but it really did not matter. It was really fun! Mom, Dad and Grandpa really watched the game closely - I think it was because we sat so close (2nd row along the first base line) and there were so many foul balls hit our way!! I think they were nervous wrecks!! Mom was so focused on the hitters she barely remembered to take any pictures of me!!! There are a few to check out though! We only stayed until the 6th inning because I was getting really hot and my teeth were hurting me! We all had so much fun and I can't wait to go back!


