Friday, January 24, 2020

Girls Trip: Belize Day 2

On their second day they headed over to the private beach and beached it all day!  They rented the ocean cabana bed, relaxed, ate and drank all day long! They even managed to survive the rani and wind storms!!!  In fact, they were the last one's standing at the beach while everyone else was at the beach bar!!


Girls Trip: Belize Day 1

Colleen invited mom and Aunt Jenny to join her on a trip to Belize.  Mom was super excited and I was super jealous!  They had a blast doing amazing things on the island of Ambergris Caye.  They stayed at an amazing Hilton that had its own private beach they got boated to.  The island has very few cars and mist everyone drives golf carts.  They ate a ton, drank a ton, beached it, went into town, met new friends and had a blast!

They met each other in Houston and took the flight to Belize together.  Once they got to Belize City, they took a puddle jumper to Ambergris Caye.  It was super tiny (about 12 passengers) , but it had a beautiful view.  Once they got checked in and unpacked, they headed to happy hour at the hotel outdoor bar where they started there 2 for 1 drink tradition...with an order of nachos.  After exploring the resort a bit they headed back to the room for a very early bedtime!


Power League Qualifier

I had my very first volleyball tournament as a Mavs last week.  This was the tournament to qualify for Power League.  We had a tough pool draw and played pretty sloppy with lots of missed serves (mine were awesome though), confusion on rotation and net touches - all losing us lots of points.  It was the first time we ever played in a tournament together and it showed, but we have potential.

It all came down to the very las set of our final match....winner of the set qualifies, loser does not.  It was out 3rd set so we go to 15 points.  We were up 9-8 and it was my serve.  I as nervous.  I then served 6 serves in a row (many aces) and we WON!  It was awesome!  We qualified!


Dinner for Mom

Mom had a bad day at work.  Hallmark announced the layoffs of 400 people and she thought she was being fired today.  When she was called into the BIG bosses office it turned out she got a new job and a promotion.  While she was excited to have a job and get a promotion, she had a tough day and I wanted to do something nice for her.  When she got home from work I had a big dinner made for her  - homemade mac and cheese and Italian sausages.  She was so thrilled! 


Swim Meet Weekend!!

We were in Topeka all weekend (Friday through Sunday) - and even stayed the night in a hotel each night.  I had great swims, we had so much fun hanging out with friends, we ate yummy food and had a blast!  This was my first swim meet where I wore a tuck suit and I it helped me swim even faster!! Sunday Nama, Aunt Jenny and Anna surprised me and came watch!  I love having an audience!
