Monday, September 14, 2009

Sneak Preview!

Well, I don’t want to steal my THUNDER for the BIG Halloween reveal, but I just had to show you my really cute Halloween costume! At first I would get really mad when mom tried to put it on me, but now I like it!

I am just like my lamby!!!

I LOVE my Cousins!

I had so much fun with my cousins…I can’t wait until Christmas when they will be back here to play! We played really hard! I played in the fort and “drove to Hallmark”, walked a lot, played baseball outside (well, I pressed the button and Tom hit the ball), we had SO much fun! Aunt Carolyn would draw a chalk outline of me on the patio when I would lay down…it was really cool!

I got to hold Baby Meghan for the first time! I was really gentle and I held her hand and hugged her. I was in charge of making sure she always had her paci when she needed it. I understand how important paci is to a girl!

I love my cousins!

Parents as Teacher PARTY!

This weekend I got to visit the elementary school I will be going to for the very first time! It just opened this ear and is so cool! There was an event that the Parents as Teachers group sponsored and they had lots of fun things.

I got to see a fire truck, an ambulance, a police car and a bus all close up! I love buses, but for some reason it really scared me to go on the bus! I cried!

Inside the school they had lots of rooms set up with fun things to see and play with. My favorite was the sensory room…I played in a big tub of water with bubbles and pretended like I was washing the dishes!

I can’t wait for next year when they have the fun party again!


Some updates on me!

Here are some of the fun things I have been doing. It has been awhile since I have posted an entry like, I am sure I have forgotten to tell you all lots of things...sorry! Bottom line...I am really big!
  • I am very polite and say "please", "thank you" and "excuse me"...all by myself (usually without someone having to remind me how to use those important words)!
  • I do a really good job drinking out of a water bottle like mommy and daddy. I make daddy worried though...he thinks I might choke!!
  • I love all kinds of LIDS! I call them "yicks"....I love the lid to mommy's "yips" (lip gloss), the water bottle, containers, bowls, anything with I "yick" on them!
  • I have a hard time pronouncing "L's" - they sound more like "ya". For example: "licks and yips" (lids and lips)
  • I say lots of parents as teacher instructor, Becky, thinks I say over 200 words! She is very impressed with my vocabulary!!
  • I can put together 3 word phrases
  • I pretty much understand everything you say or ask of me. If I don't really understand then I will repeat the last word you said.
  • I started to call myself "Katie"! Katie-see, Katie-do, Katie-go, etc!! It all started when Nama (Grama F) started to call me Katie when she sang the potty song (it sounds better..."Katie's going potty, potty, potty....Katie's going potty...YES SHE IS!) and now I say it all the time. Mom and dad keep reminding me my name is KATE!
  • I say "come" when I want you to come with me
  • My favorite dance move is the twirl! I twirl and twirl until I get dizzy (and I say "Woa...dizzy") and fall down! I love to fall down....I even say "fall down" as I do it!
  • I say "I love you"...this is every one's favorite thing I say
  • Mommy loves it when I come from behind her and give her a great big hug around her legs!! She always makes a big deal of how nice that, I keep doing it!
  • If I think someone is trying to trick me I will ask them "see?". I want to see it for myself - otherwise I don't believe them! Just tonight daddy said the water was all gone from his water bottle. When I asked him "see?" I could see half a bottle full of water. DADDY tried to trick me...but it didn't work! HAHAHAHA!!

I am really becoming a BIG girl.


