Friday, August 19, 2011

I am diseased!!!

Can you tell what it is called??

For those of you who guessed it...woohoo! For those of you who need help...I have "Hand Foot Mouth Disease" and it is YUCKY! Luckily I am MUCH better and no longer contagious! I had a super fever starting last Saturday and Sunday, I threw up, had a head ache, sore throat and then tons of pain in my feet. See, you get blisters all over your hands, feet and mouth and they are terrible! You can' t see them in the pictures above (we did not want to gross you out!), but they hurt bad and even kept me from sleeping more than 2 hours on Monday night. Poor me! I hope none of you ever get it! YUCK!





Last weekend I was SUPER surprised! Mommy, Daddy and I went to Cactus Grill and met Nama Vicki and Papa Dick! It was really fun! After dinner we went back to Papa's place because Nama Vicki said they had a surprise for me. Guess what??? I got tons of stuff! Thanks Nama Vicki and Papa Dick! I love you!

Here I am in a Justin Bieber dress! Can you believe it??

Here is a really cool JB tshirt! My first one! Wait til Anna see's it!

Here I am opening up some more...

I am so excited and can't hardly believe it....Disney's Pocahontas movie!!!!


