Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Today is the first day of 4th grade and I was excited for school!  I got up, got ready by myself and even did my hair all by myself (in a Sophia pull back)!  I love my sparkly dress, but wish I could have worn my high heals to go with it (but my darn leg would not let me)! 

Addi and Miss Jennifer came and picked us up and we went to Lamar's for a donut and milk breakfast!  I love that we have a tradition of going to the first day of school with Addi!  We then went to school and got our picture by the Colt and mom dropped me off in my class.  I would not let mom take any pictures of me in my classroom - looks like she snuck one in when I was not looking!

Can't wait to tell you how the day goes!  I am sure the day will be fabulous since I have a great teacher and my BFFs in my class!!
