Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at Nama & Papa's!

After church today we went to Nama and Papa's for Easter brunch, playing and an Easter and basket hunt! It was such a fun day. I was really sleepy though and had to leave a little earlier than I had hoped (and then went home and took a 3 hour nap)!!!

Anna and I hid Papa's Easter basket in the dryer!! Heehee!

I tried to wear the bunny suit I have worn since I was 1, but I could not get it to fit (it was a size 12 months)! Wedgie!!! Boohoo!
Papa found his basket...with some help!

Papa wore his bunny ears all day!

Anna and I got LOTS of eggs on our hunt!

It was such a FUN day! I LOVE Easter!




Easter Pictures!

It took some convincing, but I finally agreed to take some Easter pictures without crying or being crazy!

Not off to a good start...

...or so mommy and daddy thought. I thought I was pretty funny!




Happy Easter!

I was a very lucky girl and got to have MANY Easter egg hunts! Last night the Easter Bunny came to my house and this morning I got to hunt for my hidden baskets and eggs! It was SO fun!

Here I am in my Easter dress...all ready to head to church to meet Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Ashley! YIPPEE!





On our way back from Branson we stopped and spent the day in Pittsburg! I had an Easter Egg hunt at Nama and Papa's, played and then we all went out to dinner with Gigi and Gipa! It was a really fun day!

I hunted for eggs and presents!

My basket is full!

Dinner with Gigi and Gipa at Josie's!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

Gigi read me a story!

I had SO much fun!




Branson Landing

For our last night in Branson (and mommy's birthday night) we headed to Branson Landing. We at a pretty good steak restaurant and then we went to Build a Bear where I was able to make a Bunny for Easter! So much Fun!

Here I am helping stuff my bunny!

Hugging her to make sure she is fluffy enough!
Giving her a bath!

Now being silly!

Giving Sally the Bunny a big hug!

Playing with sally at the playground!

Sally and me at the fountain!

We had a great time in Branson. I can't wait for us to go back. Daddy said next time we will stay on the lake and do water!




Imax theater!

For mommy's birthday I took her to the Imax Theater in Branson to watch "The Living Sea". Mommy had seen it with "the girls" about 15 years ago and was super excited to see it was playing again. I was super excited to go see it with her and we both had a BLAST!




"Happy birthday dear mommy...."

"Happy birthday to you". I must have sang that to mommy 25 times on her birthday. I sang it as sweet as I could then would give her a big kiss. She LOVED it!

Silver Dollar City- Day 2

Day 2 of Silver Dollar City was EVEN more fun than the first! We found the fun areas with all the kid rides and we rode TONS of rides! I was not even scared at all! I rode on swings, frogs, bugs, pirate ships, spinning tea cups, the log ride (again) and lots of other cool stuff!

Such a fun day!

I am getting SO big...on rides all by myself with mommy and daddy watching nearby!
I played like crazy in this rode course thing!

Me and my daddy!

Me and mommy on the train!

Carousel fun! I choose to ride the Donkey!

Mommy and me on the frog ride...I controlled it to hop up or down!

Daddy and I were on a super fast pirate ship that went around and around and around and around...Daddy did not feel that well after it! Poor daddy!

This ride was super cool and made my tummy drop like when we go 1,2,3...wee!!! When we were on this one I would put my hands up in the air. Dare DEVIL!

Do you see mommy and me?

It was such a fun time at the park! I bet the next time I go back I will be big enough to ride the roller coasters! I can't wait!




Silver Dollar City - Day 1

We were able to spend part of 2 days at Silver Dollar City and we had a BLAST! Our first day can be summed up with one word...WET! It was not was actually beautiful weather, but all our rides were WET ones!

What was really cool is that I am big enough to ride almost all the rides at the park!

Here are daddy and I at the wettest ride...the log ride! I loved it so much (my favorite) and was a little dare devil! I was a little nervous though on the big drop off!




The Outlet mall...

We did not get to spend much time shopping in Branson, but we did get to spend enough time at the outlet mall for me to sit on and try LOTS of toys!