Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My mobile

I love my mobile. It spins and sings to me. Mom and Dad love my mobile too. I can lay in my crib and watch it for a really long time and kick my legs and arms and giggle and coo and it. Here is a video of me with my mobile.


Hi everyone! I am having a lot of fun with my grandma and grandma great in town and staying at my house. Yesterday we ran a few errands and hung out and played at the house. When Dad got home we went out to dinner and then went on a walk. It was such a pretty day!

I am very nervous about tonight's American Idol final as Simon was not very nice to David Cook yesterday. We still called in and voted. Grandma got in about 20 times but mom and I did not have such good luck....we only got in about 5 times!! I hope he wins...I love him Afterall, he was my first concert!! Here is a pic of us watching AI!!

Everyone says I am getting really big. I can pretty much sit up all on my own (Daddy had to help a bit as I start to slide to my side after awhile)!

Today I get to meet my Aunt Carolyn and big cousin Tom for the first time. I can't wait to see them!! Mom told me not to be embarrassed if I am bigger than Tom. She said that although he is 2 weeks older than me he was born early so it is okay if I am chubbier! I don't care who is chubbier...I just want to play with him!

Here is a video of grandma and me playing yesterday. Enjoy!


