Sunday, April 19, 2015

Another great letter from Kate!!!

I'm counting down the day too, Kate!  I love you and can't wait to give you baths!!!  ;)


China: Day 1

I had a red eye flight from India to Hong Kong last night.  Left at 1:10am Delhi time and arrived in Hong Kong at 9:15.  I slept about 4 hours on the plane and boy am I tired!  

Once we arrived in Hong Kong we headed straight to the hotel.  I could not freshen up as my room was not going to be ready until I was dirty dirty dirty all day...not even my face washed in 48 hours!!!  

That did not stop us from exploring and shopping all day! We shopped at the HUGE mall with amazing stores from all over the world and also hit up the ladies market where I found a few goodies and bargained like crazy!!

It was a nice day off!  I'm now off to bed to get some rest...then a full work day tomorrow!!  Love and miss you!!!
