Monday, March 23, 2020

Quarantined Life: Cuddles

The most fun part of all this craziness - CUDDLES!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Dog Show

We watched a little bit of a dig show last night and Mia was super interested.  We have never seen her really watch TV before, but she sure was.  It was hilarious!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Bingo Night

We have been having so much fun with the House Party app!  Last night we had another Bingo night with the Stilley's, Nama and Papa, Aunt Linda and Uncle Pat and Colleen.  It was so much fun!  Papa had more rounds of prizes and we all had a blast playing, taking and giggling!  I can't wait for the next one!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Workouts

In addition to our daily walks, I am getting in my swim dry land workouts. Here I am doing a mini version of it in Isolation HQ! 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Cake contest

My friend, Reese sent out a challenge to my friends and I yesterday.  The challenge was to bake and decorate a cool cake.  We then texted everyone photos and voted at 6:30 last night!  I won second place and had a prize of Lifesaver Gummies delivered to my doorstep!  So fun! The next challenge is a makeup tutorial which we will share Tuesday.  Can't wait!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Nail Salon

Yesterday I pampered mom with a gel manicure!  They turned out beautiful and she loves them!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Gratitude

Mom just started the gratitude journal that Dad and I got her for Christmas.  She is excited to start the day on a good note each morning. 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Coloring Progress

This coloring thing takes time...luckily we have that!  Mom and I are making progress on our adulyt coloring book!  Wonder how many more hours it will take??

Stay well,