Monday, July 2, 2012

Gulf Shores: Balcony!

Pictures from the balcony of our condo!


Gulf Shores: Lamberts!

Gulf Shores has a Lamberts - Home of the Throwed Rolls restaurant just like they have outside of Branson.  We have always wanted to eat at one, so were really excited to go!  Daddy put our name in while we shopped at the outlet we could avoid the 1.5 hour wait! 

It was really neat - they threw rolls at us.  They threw 3 at me and I caught 2 of them!  They also did lots of tricks to me: pretended to squirt mustard on me, pretended to spill a pitcher of soda on me and all sorts of stuff.

I cracked up as they asked me in a reallty southern accent "Do you want some fried tators?"  heeheeheehee!!!

Gulf Shores: Outlet Mall

Gulf Shores had a great outlet mall that had almost anything you could ask for...Coach, Banana Republic and Talbots for mom; Tommy Bahama and Polo for dad; and Claire's Boutique, Gap Kids, Stride Rite and fun stuff for me!

Take a look at the dangling clip on earrings I picked out.  Thanks for the shopping money Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!


Gulf Shores: Bumper Boats

The bumper boats were not what we expected.  We thought we would get out on the water and bump boats and have a great time.  What really happened is this...

We were in boats with a bunch of teenagers.  The boats were not really bumper boats, rather squirt gun boats and we all got soaked and attacked my annoying teenage boys.  Daddy's boat did not work and he got stranded in the middle of the pond - SITTING DUCK!  In order to rescue daddy we (mommy and I) had to hold hands with him and tow him in.  Everyone was squirting us like crazy - we were soaked!!!

NOT FUN...see mommy!

Gulf Shores: The Track!

I am a bit of a dare devil!  Sunday night we went to The Track and I got to drive the BIG go carts with daddy in a double go cart!  I giggled and screamed the whole time! 

Here we are before the ride...

Getting buckled up and listening to instructions...

Here we go...

Woohoo..."hi mom"!

Thumbs up - can we ride again!?!

That was AWESOME!

Gulf Shores: Organize!

Right when we got to the condo we all got in organization mode and unpacked all our stuff.  I LOVED organization mode and emptied out all my stuff and organized it where I thought it belonged. It was SO awesome to be in control of my apartment!

Already in my suit!!

Toys, games and trinkets: bedside table top drawer!

Books: bedside table bottom drawer


More books!

Showing off my work...good work it was!  
I loved my apartment!

Gulf Shores: The Condo!

Our condo was great...right on the water, nicely decorated with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.  It even had a tropical feel with great paintings and decor...the perfect beach house!

Here are some pictures...

This is my "apartment"!  I got to sleep here and even share it with Nama and Papa when they came into town!  Nama and I slept here and Papa slept on the couch because he, mommy and daddy would stay up too late plaing Monopoly Deal!

What a view!!


Gulf Shores: First night!

We flew from New Mexico to New Orleans and then rented a car and drove to Gulf Shores, Al.  The drive was supposed to take 2.5-3 hours, but due to traffic and construction it took us twice that.  We had a very long Saturday with over 12 hours of traveling!  Once we dropped our stuff off at the conde we went out for pizza and then went grocery shopping for food for the week! 

Here I am being silly posing at dinner!


New Mexico: Santa Fe

We went into Santa Fe with Daddy our last day in New Mexico.  We walked around the Plaza area, shopped and looked at all the goodies the vendors had.  I would walk up and down the rows of vendors and look at all thee jewlery and dolls they had.  I would try on what I liked as I decided what souvenir I would take home.  After a long hard debate I decided on a tribal doll.  On our way back to the resort I realized I had bought a "one armed" doll.  I named her Sweetheart - then changed her name to Sweetie.  Mommy explained to me that no one may have bought Sweetie but me (cause of her one arm) and I am so happy I adopted her so she would have a home!


New Mexico: Movie Night!

We had movie night at the resort one night and it was really cool!  We got to watch the movie in the Hummingbird Garden outside!  We brought our blankets and had snacks under the stars watching "Sharks Tale"!  It was so much fun!


New Mexico: The View

New Mexico: Posing

One night after dinner mom decided I should pose around all the beautifl grounds for picture time!  Here are some of the pictures!

and one of me being goofy...

New Mexico: Dinner

Since Daddy was in New Mexico for work mommy and I had most our dinner by ourselves.  What was really cool was that although daddy had meetings all day he would stop by the room to see us between them and even meet us at the pool to swim!  I loved it when I got to see him!

Here mommy and I are at dinner at the resort!

The made homemade bread in the outdoor ovens everyday...we got to eat some at the restaurant. When I tried it I said "heavenly"!  YUMMY!!!

New Mexico: Party Crashers!

Daddy got us permission to attend one of his work the Hot Air Balloon Museum!  It was so cool!  We were the only kids there and we had a blast!  We ran around and played, got to look at all the cool things in the museum, ride a simulator hot air balloon, get pictures in a photo booth and even got a charactiture made!

Here are Izzie and me!

Hot air balloon museum!

A real hot air balloon basket!


There was lots of cool things to play on!

Here we are in the simulator!

We were supposed to be able to go up in a hot air balloon - but could not because of the fires.  We did get to watch them being all  blown up though...very cool!

Here I am getting drawn. When the artist asked what I like to do I said "cheerleading" - he drew me in a cheerleading outfit with pompoms!  So cool!

It was sure fun being a party crasher....I bet all the adults wondered who us kids were!