Saturday, September 28, 2013


Mia is a biter and we have started to call her JAWS!  Take a look at her Halloween costume!  Not sure if she will actually wear it, but she will bite it!  Mia JAWS Horton!!


Addison's Birthday party!

Last Sunday was my best friend from school, Addison's 6th birthday party!  It was at her house and was so much fun!  Most of the girls from our class came and we all dressed like princesses.  Princess Aerial came and surprised us all the way from Disney World!  The cool part was that I was dressed as Princess Aerial too!

We played games, danced and had yummy cupcakes!  I loved spending the afternoon with my friends and celebrating Addison!


Hoe Down!

Last night was the Timer Creek Elementary (my school) Hoe Down!  It was really fun and I have been looking forward to it for a long time!  Mommy, daddy, Nama Vicki and I all went and had a blast!  We saw Addison and her family the second we pulled in and hung out with them all night long!!! We had balloon animals made for us (I had a really cool unicorn), ate cotton candy, had a cupcake walk, went mining for gold, did some crafts, roped cows, had dance party and even got our face painted!  We all ate a hot dog dinner!  I saw so many of my friends and just played like crazy!


Anna's 4th birthday party!

Anna had her 4th birthday party a few weeks ago and it was so much fun!  Princess Belle surprised us and came to wish Anna A Happy Birthday all the way from Disney World!  We played with Belle, danced, had a treasure hunt and had a wonderful time!  It was so much fun!  Happy 4th birthday Anna Banana!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Game Face

This year I chose to go for the "bad ass" face in order to intimidate my opponents!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tooth Fairy visit #2!!!

I lost my second tooth on Thursday while I was at recess!  We all knew it was going to come out as it dangled for lots of days!  I got to go to the nurses office and get a tiny pirate chest to put my tooth in to take home to the tooth fairy.  It was cool loosing my tooth at school because all my friends new about it and talked about it all day!


Fall Fashion Show

To welcome the official first day of Fall tomorrow we had a fall fashion show and changed out my closet from summer to fall!  New clothes....YIPPEE!!


Saturday, September 14, 2013

My best friend Addison...

Addison came over for a play date today and we had a blast!  It was our first play date together and I know it was the first of TONS to come.  We played together really well!

We did a craft and made friendship necklaces, played in my room with the microphone and sang like crazy, played tag, had a snack and just hung out.  It was really awesome.  Can't wait for us to get together again soon.  Guess what?  We will also see each other tomorrow at Hunter's birthday party....YIPPEE!


Kindergarten Work...

Here is some of the work I have brought home from school...

Calendar work...we learned the months of the year!

Picture of Addison and me swinging on the swings at recess...notice the mulch on the ground

A picture me me climbing the rings on the playground at recess...

A picture of Mia and I playing outside...

A rainbow...

A picture of my bedroom...I love my bedroom!

Me in Hawaii...

A picture of us getting Mia for the first time at the log cabin store...

A picture of us in Branson...

My fingerprints on a tree...