Saturday, June 28, 2014

Book store is open!

I opened my very own book store today!  It's called Kate's Bookstore.  Prices range from $1 (baby books) to $90 (hardback books).  Dad was my first customer today!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Dance Rehearsal

I just realized that I never posted these pictures from my dance recital rehearsal!

LONG drive!

Colorado is a long car ride away....good thing I brought my sleep mask with me!!


Colorado Springs

Once we got checked into our hotel we headed out to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.  It was an amazing place - and something like we have never seen before!  We went on a long hike and explored all the neat rock formations.  We even saw lots of people climbing the tall cliffs!  We had to make sure we stayed on the path because the area has rattle snakes and there was NO way I was going to get near one of those!  We did see some nature - a cute little bunny!

After Garden of the Gods we found a really yummy Mexican restaurant on downtown Colorado Springs.  Then we headed back to the hotel for a nice and relaxing evening.  We were all exhausted from such a fun and busy week!


Vail: Part 2

On Wednesday Mom and I went with Dad's work buddy's family (I called the people Dad works with "Work buddies" all trip) to Vail.  Tal (the mom), Gracee (almost 11) and Izzy (6).  We had so much fun!  We hung out with the a few years ago in New Mexico, so already knew them pretty well!

We explored, shopped, went to the candy store, went to lunch and played.  We even went up the mountain on the gondola, went on a mile + hike and then explored some more!  I had a blast playing with the girls!

After Vail we went back to the hotel and swam for a few hours and then all went to Pazzo's Pizza for a late dinner and a really funky Mexican ice cream shop for dessert!  We were home even later than Dad's business dinner!  We were party animals!!

The next morning (Thursday) we packed up, had lunch at the hotel with some of Dad's work buddies and then headed to Colorao Springs for more exploring!
