Monday, January 15, 2018

Rock Star Volleyball Game!!

Last night was a great volleyball night!  The team won all 6 matches and I played really well!  I mastered my overhand serve and has hitting over hard and fast BOMBS that the other team could not respond to!  I think I found my serve and it is fantastic!!  Everyone commented on how great my serves are!!  There are only a few of us that overhand serve on the team and now I hope I get to do it for every serve!  I LOVE Volleyball!


VB warmups with Dad

We always get to Volley Ball early for extra warm up time and dad helps me with my practice!  I worked on my overhand serve and my 2 hand hitting!  I was looking great!


Basketball Game

Yesterday we played against Coach Crouse's team and some of my TCE friends (Mia, Peyton and Alex).  I was the captain and did the jump ball in the beginning!  I even SCORED and was also fouled and took foul shots (did not make those, but was super close)!  I hustled like crazy and did a great job on defense.  Our team does a great job on the switch defense and shut out the other team (they only scored 4 points).  We won and are undefeated!


Swim Meet - Last Chance in Gladstone

Saturday was an early swim meet in Gladstone.  It was the last chance qualifying meet for Districts.  It was a super long meet and I did well!  I swam in 4 events and had a few PBs.  I love swim!


Impromptu Colorado trip

Miss Lori asked mom to go to Eagle, Co to help make house and decisions on whether the Cross' are going to move to Eagle.  She asked mom on Tuesday and they flew out Thursday morning!  They had lots of fun on there quick trip (they came home late Friday night) and made lots of house decisions.  Now we just have to see what decision they make on the move!!


Volleyball game

We started our Winter Volleyball games at New Century last week!  I love volleyball and could not wait!  Our team won both games and did a great job!  I did some underhand and some overhand serving and served great!  Such a fun night!  After we went out to dinner with the Utting's at Coach's.


Volleyball warmups

Willow and I were warming up with Dad before the game last week. We got there before everyone and had fun warming up.  We even played against Dad, Dane and mom!


Orange Leaf - MY FAVORITE!

Mom and I stopped by Orange Leaf for yogurt after the massage...the perfect end to the perfect afternoon!  I love this place! 


First massage ever!!

I was so excited for my massage that I got for Christmas from Mom and Dad!  We went last Sunday and it was so relaxing!!  Since it was my first massage, they gave me hot stones for free.  Mom was in the room with me and was so jealous she was not getting massaged!!  It was awesome and I can not wait until my next one!  My favorite was when she was massaging my back and neck!  I could get use to this!
