Thursday, May 29, 2008


I wanted to post a picture of my friend Kate. Mom and Dad like her so much they thought Kate would be a great name for me. She is moving to California but we will keep in touch as I grow up! Good thing I started this blog, huh? Kate was so nice and let me have a lot of her clothes when she was a baby...I love to get all dressed up and Kate had quite the wardrobe! I am so lucky to be friends with her!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


My mom is totally jealous....she has always dreamed of getting a little blue box from Tiffany but never has (and she is 31)!! I already got one at 13 weeks old!! I was not awake to open the pretty package so mom was lucky enough to open it for me. It was a beautiful cross necklace from Aunt Jenny (she is also my Godmother). It is so pretty and mom is trying to wear it. I can wear once I get bigger...I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rock Chalk

My Dad loves to teach me things. This day he taught me the chant to the school he said I would be going to....KU. Sorry soon-to-be Uncle Rob!!!




Chatting with Grandma Great

Grandma Great stayed at our house for about a week. Here is video of she and I in deep conversation. She is one wise lady! I love her!




Patty Cake with Grandma

Grandma and I like to play patty cake (hope that is how you spell it, I asked mom and she did not have a clue...she is not a very good speller)!! Grandma is such a funny lady!! Here is a video of us...




Amazing Weekend!

This was such a fun long weekend. It started with Aunt Carolyn and cousin Tom coming into town. I already blogged about that so we will start with when Grandpa Fimmen came. Mom, Dad, Grandma and I all went to the airport to pick him up. I made a sign that said "love U Grandpa" and we held it when he came off the plane. Dad and Grandma were embarassed to hold up the sign!!! He was excited to see me and really loved the sign! He was so surprised...he thought only Grandma was coming to pick him up! Grandpa gave me lots of kisses and blew chub balls on my tummy! He is funny!! I Love him! My Dad took Friday off of work so he was home for 4 days!!! Yippee!! We got to play, he gave me baths and lots of kisses!!

On Friday my Uncle Tom came in town and I got to meet him for the first time! He is so fun to play with and nice. Aunt Carolyn threw a surprise 30th B'day party for him at a really fun pizza place called Stonewall pizza. It was a beautiful night and we all got to eat outside and celebrate!

On Saturday Miss Nancy made a really good lunch for everyone! We played Guitar Hero, Sing Star and ate lots of good food! Saturday afternoon I got to meet my Uncle Chris for the first time! He flew in all the way from NY, NY to be my Godfather and to give me kisses!! He was so nice and fun to play with!! I went out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Horton, Uncle Chris, Mom and dad. We went to Chili's and had a great time!

Sunday was a very big day! We all had to get up super early because cousin Tom and I were having our Baptism at 9am at Cure of Ars!!! Mom and Dad got me ready for the day! I wore a very pretty outfit...the same one mom wore, grandma wore and lots of other family wore. It was the Baptismal outfit of my Great Grandpa Walsh!! It is over 80 years old!! Grandma Horton got me a Baptismal bib and white booties that mom said we would pass down through our family! I also wore the gold cross necklace my mom's Great Grandma gave her for her Baptism and carried the white blanket mom had at her Baptism. It was all very cool!

I love that I was able to be baptized with cousin Tom! I know the entire family loved the day just like I did! During the ceremony I was such a good girl (or so Dad says). I loved to stare at the stained glass ceiling and was very happy the entire time! I did not even make a peep when Father poor holy water all over my head and then put holy oil on my head! Cousin Tom was so funny because he yelled once he got on the alter!!! My Godmother is Aunt Jenny and my God Father is Uncle Chris!

After the Baptism everyone came over to my house for a big party! We had so much food - BBQ, cake, etc! Everyone had fun and I loved being passed around and given hugs and kisses all day long! I received some amazing gifts...thank you everyone! But boy was I tired after the party!!! I slept almost 7 hours Sunday night!! Partying tires me out!

We spent Memorial Day resting and eating (everyone did eat well this weekend)! I was pooped and it looked like everyone else was too!

I had so much fun this weekend and can't wait for everyone to all get together again!




Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Cousin Tom!!!

I finally met my big cousin Tom! He is so cute and fun and I just love to play with him! He has really pretty eyes and dark hair with such pretty long brown eyelashes! As suspected, I am chubbier than him, but that's okay as I hear I will lose some of the chub once I start walking!!!! We took lots of pictures yesterday and everyone was so excited to have us both together! I also met Aunt Carolyn who is really nice and pretty! I can't wait for our fun weekend!

Here is a video of Tom and I:

Here are a few of the pictures we took too (for some reason a few would not rotate!):




Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My mobile

I love my mobile. It spins and sings to me. Mom and Dad love my mobile too. I can lay in my crib and watch it for a really long time and kick my legs and arms and giggle and coo and it. Here is a video of me with my mobile.


Hi everyone! I am having a lot of fun with my grandma and grandma great in town and staying at my house. Yesterday we ran a few errands and hung out and played at the house. When Dad got home we went out to dinner and then went on a walk. It was such a pretty day!

I am very nervous about tonight's American Idol final as Simon was not very nice to David Cook yesterday. We still called in and voted. Grandma got in about 20 times but mom and I did not have such good luck....we only got in about 5 times!! I hope he wins...I love him Afterall, he was my first concert!! Here is a pic of us watching AI!!

Everyone says I am getting really big. I can pretty much sit up all on my own (Daddy had to help a bit as I start to slide to my side after awhile)!

Today I get to meet my Aunt Carolyn and big cousin Tom for the first time. I can't wait to see them!! Mom told me not to be embarrassed if I am bigger than Tom. She said that although he is 2 weeks older than me he was born early so it is okay if I am chubbier! I don't care who is chubbier...I just want to play with him!

Here is a video of grandma and me playing yesterday. Enjoy!




Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another Video

I am getting a bit cocky with my expertise in posting videos!! Here is another from yesterday...I have the funniest Daddy!!


My First Video Posting

Hi everyone! Many of you have requested a video of is short, but here you go!

I have been trying to upload video to the blog for a couple of days now without any success. I have learned that mom and dad have to take very short video clips of me in order for it to work. This is a clip of Dad and me playing. He is a really funny guy and makes me laugh all the time! He was singing Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini song to me....I love the song so much I think I may ask mom to buy me a little bikini (hope Dad does not get mad!!!).

Hope you like the video!

I would love for everyone to leave comments on my site so that I can read them and print them off for my memory album. Let me know if you don't know how to leave a comment!!




Monday, May 19, 2008

My First Trip!!

Sorry it has been so long since my last entry! I have been super busy experiencing many firsts. My first trip, first time in Iowa, first time in Minnesota, first baby shower (well, first one where I could see what was going on), first graduation party and first trip to the biggest mall in America!! It was so much fun!

Mom, Grandma and I left Thursday morning and drove the 7 hours to Minnesota. They said I was such a good girl. I slept most of the trip and knew just when to wake up and be hungry! We stopped in Des Moines for lunch (we all ate!) and mom and grandma had Sonic Happy Hour - they are regulars at Sonic for 1/2 priced drinks! Then we drove the rest of the way to our hotel. They were so impressed with me that we only had to make one stop! I think wearing a diaper helped with that!

Thursday night we went over to Aunt Jeanne's house. Aunt Jeanne and Sarah had a wonderful dinner waiting for us all and I got to meet Cooper (the yellow lab). Cooper was so interested in me...he is a baby too. Only 10 months old, so a little bigger than me!!) Everyone played with me and held me. I was really tired from the big trip so I fussed a bit. When we got back to the hotel I passed out in the pack and play mom and grandma set up for me!

Friday we went to a mall in Eden Prairie that had this great store called Von Mauer. Mom and grandma found some fun clothes and bows for me there and they even got to shop for themselves and found some clothes that they look really cute in! After that we went to the Mall of America!!!! It was so big and fun! I was really tired of sitting in my carrier so I made mom and grandma carry me through the mall for a bit....they seemed to just love the exercise! They found me some pretty clothes that I really like!

After the mall we headed over to moms cousin and godson Chris' graduation party. Here I got to meet all the rest of the Fimmens. Grandma Great held me for a long time and sang to me....I love that lady! I got really sleepy at the party and passed right out on the couch...right when mom laid me down on the blanket I was out!! There was lots of partying happening...I can't wait until I am 21 and can party with them! I am sure they will teach me beer pong and all the other drinking and dad said not until I am 21 though! That night I slept the best I have ever slept....7 hours! Partying wears me out! I know my mom was worried though...she kept waking up and checking on me to make sure I was still breathing....silly lady!

Saturday was mom's cousin Kate's (we have the same name!) baby shower. She is having a girl and will name her Anna Katherine (isn't that cool? My name is Katherine Anne)!! Everything was decorated in my favorite color pink and she got lots of fun gifts!! I wanted to have some of it!!! After the shower we went to a store called Ikea - it was HUGE, then went back to the Mall of America for dinner!
Here's a picture of me relaxing in the hotel room!!!

We drove home Sunday and brought Grandma Great with us for a fun week. She and Grandma are going to stay at our house this week! How fun!
Here is a picture on the day we went home...waiting in the hotel lobby!!

During this trip I got really attached to my duckie that Aunt Jenny got for me. I love to hold it and suck on its nose!!

It was a fun trip...but I missed Daddy! I got to give him lots of hugs and kisses when I got home though!
