Monday, May 19, 2008

My First Trip!!

Sorry it has been so long since my last entry! I have been super busy experiencing many firsts. My first trip, first time in Iowa, first time in Minnesota, first baby shower (well, first one where I could see what was going on), first graduation party and first trip to the biggest mall in America!! It was so much fun!

Mom, Grandma and I left Thursday morning and drove the 7 hours to Minnesota. They said I was such a good girl. I slept most of the trip and knew just when to wake up and be hungry! We stopped in Des Moines for lunch (we all ate!) and mom and grandma had Sonic Happy Hour - they are regulars at Sonic for 1/2 priced drinks! Then we drove the rest of the way to our hotel. They were so impressed with me that we only had to make one stop! I think wearing a diaper helped with that!

Thursday night we went over to Aunt Jeanne's house. Aunt Jeanne and Sarah had a wonderful dinner waiting for us all and I got to meet Cooper (the yellow lab). Cooper was so interested in me...he is a baby too. Only 10 months old, so a little bigger than me!!) Everyone played with me and held me. I was really tired from the big trip so I fussed a bit. When we got back to the hotel I passed out in the pack and play mom and grandma set up for me!

Friday we went to a mall in Eden Prairie that had this great store called Von Mauer. Mom and grandma found some fun clothes and bows for me there and they even got to shop for themselves and found some clothes that they look really cute in! After that we went to the Mall of America!!!! It was so big and fun! I was really tired of sitting in my carrier so I made mom and grandma carry me through the mall for a bit....they seemed to just love the exercise! They found me some pretty clothes that I really like!

After the mall we headed over to moms cousin and godson Chris' graduation party. Here I got to meet all the rest of the Fimmens. Grandma Great held me for a long time and sang to me....I love that lady! I got really sleepy at the party and passed right out on the couch...right when mom laid me down on the blanket I was out!! There was lots of partying happening...I can't wait until I am 21 and can party with them! I am sure they will teach me beer pong and all the other drinking and dad said not until I am 21 though! That night I slept the best I have ever slept....7 hours! Partying wears me out! I know my mom was worried though...she kept waking up and checking on me to make sure I was still breathing....silly lady!

Saturday was mom's cousin Kate's (we have the same name!) baby shower. She is having a girl and will name her Anna Katherine (isn't that cool? My name is Katherine Anne)!! Everything was decorated in my favorite color pink and she got lots of fun gifts!! I wanted to have some of it!!! After the shower we went to a store called Ikea - it was HUGE, then went back to the Mall of America for dinner!
Here's a picture of me relaxing in the hotel room!!!

We drove home Sunday and brought Grandma Great with us for a fun week. She and Grandma are going to stay at our house this week! How fun!
Here is a picture on the day we went home...waiting in the hotel lobby!!

During this trip I got really attached to my duckie that Aunt Jenny got for me. I love to hold it and suck on its nose!!

It was a fun trip...but I missed Daddy! I got to give him lots of hugs and kisses when I got home though!


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