Monday, May 12, 2008

My Routine

Mom and Dad are trying to get me in a routine. Although they have succeeded with some of it, they are going to have to work a bit harder at others. During the week I usually wake up around when Dad leave from work (about 7:30 am) to see him off and give him big kisses. I also am really hungry so have to have some breakfast! Mom usually brings me to her bedroom for awhile and we hang out and watch TV or nap a bit and mom and I play. She really seems to like it when I smile and giggle at her so I try to do that as much as possible!

When mom wants to get ready for the day she puts me in my bouncer which I really like. I usually can stand it in there for about 45 minutes (or about 4 rounds of the songs it sings). ONce mom is ready for the day she gets me ready. I get a bath every 2 or 3 days but in the days she or dad does not bathe me they clean me all up with a cold wash clothe (I know she tries to get it warm, but it turns cold really fast and makes me mad). Sometimes I cry when she puts lotion all over my body because it makes me really slippery. When it is bath time I hope they are just going to give me a bath near the sink and not in the bath tub...I cry everytime they try to wash me in the tub so I think I have trained them to wash me on the sponge! If they are fast enough with the bath I will not cry, but if there is any hesitation I will scream with anger!

Here I am after one of my baths...looks like they made me mad this time!

After we are all ready for the day we go downstairs and read, play in my activity gym, do tummy time, and take a little ride in my swing. Sometimes we run errands or go shopping. I love to be on the go. I love fast car rides and being in my stroller as long as we are always moving.

Here I am working on tummy time...

Here I am playing in my activity gym...

I take little naps here and there, but I can tell mom and dad are trying to get me to take a long nap around 2pm. If they had it there way I would nap from 2-4 or 5. Seems like a really long time to me....I just want to hang out with them...I can tell they are bored when I am asleep! I must add the excitement to their lives!!

I try to be really good for them around dinner time - when they always put me in my swing. At night if the weather is nice and it is not too windy we all go for a walk! I watch tv with them...ESPN, The Bachelor and Royals baseball with Dad and Grey's Anatomy and American Idol with mom! We have so much fun!

I should have mentioned I pretty much eat whenever I want. It is pretty cool to have such service!
Bedtime is usually around 10:30 or 11:00. Once I am asleep they put my in my crib. I will stay there usually until I get hungry or want some company (usually until 2am)...then I holler for some help. After I eat I usually fall back asleep in mom's arms...the tricky part is for her to put me back in my crib. Everytime she does I wake up screaming!!! I want either her or dad to hold me all night! I can tell they get tired, but I am tired too. I think this is the part in the routine they are trying to get fixed right away...I am making it really hard for them though!!!! I just want to cuddle!

That is basically it.....and then we wake up the next day and do it all over again....and again....and again!!!

Here are some pictures of my bedroom...


1 comment:

Bets said...

Do you have any clothes? It looks like you might be lacking a bit there! :) Maybe your grandma will take you shopping while she's in town!