Friday, June 13, 2008

Picture Day!

Today I went on my monthly trip to the photo studio! This time Grandma Vicki and Aunt Jenny went with mom and I. It was really fun! I had lots of outfits to wear and I really liked the photographer - she made me smile all day long! I could tell picture day stresses mom out a bit...she never looks very put together on picture day!! I wore a new pink dress, did a naked shot in a bathtub with make believe bubbles and in my bathing suit! This is the first time I had worn this suit and it was way too tiny on me!! It hurt me a lot when mom put it on - she has already had to return it and they did not have the bigger size (too bad too because it was super cute on me)! The sales lady told mom the suit ran small to size - but mom bought me 6-12 months!!! The suit was so small it made me look like I had boobies...Daddy would not like that! Mom and Grandma were suckers and bought an entire package this time!!! The cool part of the package is that it comes with a CD with all the pictures on it so we can put some of them on the blog. I hope you like them!

Here they are:


Anonymous said...

Oh're a trip! The funny thing is, I looked at your pictures before reading your blog and certainly did notice your cleavage! I thought that was a big odd for a young lady just about to turn 4 months but than I just reminded myself..."the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree!" When I read your blog...I just about lost it with laughter! Yes...I'm sure your daddy is not to happy to see your boobies...already!!! Thanks for sharing your pictures with're beautiful.

Love, Aunt Lori (Cross)

Anonymous said...

Yes- the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree :)
She was a princess and boy was it a fun trip! My little neice sure has a beautiful smile!

Anonymous said...

Grama loved the pics. You are just a beautiful little girl!!
Can't wait to see you this weekend and take you to a real beach!!

Bets said...

I love it ... just a regular day: hanging out on the beach! The only things that are missing are sunglasses, and iPod and a cocktail! :)