Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 month Dr appointment

I almost forgot to update everyone on my 4 month doctor appointment. Mom and Dad get excited to get me weighed in at each appointment. They knew I was getting bigger but they were surprised when they heard my new measurements: I weigh 15lbs and 12 oz (this is the 88th percentile) and I measure 24 inches (this is the 42nd percentile). Basically, I am pretty cute and chubby!!! Mom and Dads only concern is that I am going to outgrow all the adorable clothes I have for the summer!!!
I had to get lots more shots which I did not like at all!! I had a bit of a delayed reaction but as soon as I realized what was going on I screamed like crazy!! Mom finally rescued me from the needles and the nurse and gave me lots of hugs and kisses to make me feel better. I am glad that appointment is over...although I hear I have to get more shots at my 6 month appointment!


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