Saturday, July 5, 2008

My First 4th of July!!

I celebrated my first 4th of July with my first trip to Pittsburg and Parsons, Kansas! I got to spend a lot of time with the my Daddy's family! We started the day with going to my Grandma and Grandpa Horton's. Grandma and Grandpa babysat me while Mommy and Daddy went out to lunch at one of Daddy's favorite places to eat lunch in Pittsburg: The Mall Deli - then went to some stores in the mall to buy Daddy some tennis shoes! It was the first time Mommy and Daddy have gone out to eat by themselves since I was born. It seems like they had a lot of fun although they came home and gave me lots of hugs and kisses!

Then we got in the car and went to Parsons, KS where my Great Grandma and Grandpa Horton live! It was so much fun to meet them. They held me and played with me - Daddy said I was such a good girl! I did not cry once and was very nice to everyone who held me! I got to meet my Great Aunt Cathy, cousin Ben, Danielle, Aiden, Great Aunt Teresa, Great Uncle Mike too! It was so much fun! Great Grandma made lots of good treats for everyone - cake, cookies, pie and ice cream!! She is a wonderful cook and mom and dad seemed to enjoy it all!! I can't wait to see them all again real soon!!

After that Grandma and Grandpa Horton, Mom, Dad and I all went to Daddy's other favorite place to eat in Pittsburg....Cafe Del Rio!! Mexican, of course, and like always Dad loves his Mexican food!! Wonder if I am going to like Mexican food? If not Daddy will be so sad!! Maybe I will like Chinese food with mom - then she would have someone to eat it with her!!

We then got to visit and play with Great Grandma and Grandpa Bradfield! They came over and held me and gave me lots of kisses! I love seeing them because they are so nice to me and love me so much!! I can't wait for them to visit me in Kansas City again - Great Grandma said it may be soon!

We had a long day, but no 4th of July would be complete without fireworks (or so I was told)!! On our way out of town Daddy pulled over near the golf course and we had front row seats to the Pittsburg fireworks! It was so neat to hear all the loud pops and see the pretty colors in the sky! Murphy was with us and she was pretty scared since we were so close so then we drove a little further away so the noise wasn't as loud! I love fireworks! Maybe I will have some at my wedding one day - I am sure Daddy would not mind paying for them since I like them so much!!

We drove home and I slept the entire way! I was so tired from playing all day that I did not get out of bed until 10:30 this morning!! It was pretty crazy!!





Anonymous said...

Happy first Fourth of July Little Firecracker!!!

Uncle Chris said...

Kate!! So much talking you did in your latest video! How exciting! Glad you enjoyed your first fireworks show and that you had a great time in both Pittsburg and Parsons!