Sunday, August 31, 2008

My week!

This has been a very busy week. While mom and dad are working hard at work I have been working very hard at home trying to learn to be a big girl!

My Dad, Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Dick were all very nice and took off work to babysit me! I had so much fun with everyone! I wanted Grandpa to think I was a really good girl and even waited to have a poopy diaper until mom and dad were home! Grandma even got to send the night and see me a lot this week! It was so much fun!
My little ear infection turned into a really bad one and mom had to take me to an after hours pediatrician to get me checked out. It turns out I did not respond well to the first antibiotic so they had to give me another one. I seem to be feeling a bit better, but we go back to the doctor Friday to check it out for sure. I also have to get my shots this Friday! Not fun at all! I can't remember if I blogged this yet or not, but the doctor decided to wait to do my shots until I am feeling better. Did I tell you all that at my 6 month appointment I weighed 18lbs and 6oz? I am in the 88th percentile or something like that!! I am growing big and strong!
We went to Pittsburg this weekend to see everyone! I got to go and shop at Little Balkans days with mom and Grandma, got to play with Great Grandma and Grandpa and stay the night at G'ma and G'pa's house!! I was so excited to be staying the night in Pittsburg that I barely slept a wink! There was just so much to see and do in Pittsburg...Grandma Vicki's house is full of really cool things for me to stare at! Mom and Dad barely got to sleep because I required them to hold me all night long!! I am really not a fan of that pack and play bed thing they brought me to sleep in!!
My friend Kate Larson sent me a present from California!! It is the cutest grey tank top that says "Surfer Girls Rule"!! I felt totally cool wearing it. I paired it with a cute pair of denim shorts and a fancy pink and green bow! I made a fashion statement! Thank you Kate for thinking of me!!
Here are some pictures!

1 comment:

Grandma Vicki said...

The little surfer girl! and you looked so grown up in your denim shorts and tank top!

Love ya!