Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mmmm...teething biscuits!

I just love teething biscuits, but I think I have been grounded from them. See, the last time Mom and Dad gave me one it tasted so wonderful that every time it dropped I had to scream uncontrollably so Mom and Dad would understand it fell and that they needed to rush over immediately to pick it up and give it to me. They get so slimy and gooey...I just love them. I think they might make Mom gag though! I got so mad at Mom because as soon as it got all good and gooey and started to break apart she decided to take it away from me and she THREW it in the trash!! I was so mad that I screamed like crazy and decided that I should act up for about 30 minutes (until my sobs put me to sleep). I think they got the point that what Mom did made me mad, but I think I also heard them say that was the last time I would be eating teething biscuits. Mom and Dad can be mean!




1 comment:

Grandma Vicki said...

Miss Kate,

Those "teething biscuits" sure look yummy!! and looks like you enjoy them!! Maybe we will have to take away Mommy and Daddy's red licorice!!!!

Love ya!