Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Teacher!

My grandma is now also my teacher!!! Grandma Fimmen started to watch me while mom and dad are at work! I have had so much fun having everyone watch me and now I am super excited to be with Grandma until February (hopefully she does not get sick of me)!!!

Mom and Dad drop me off at grandma's house every morning. Grandma, Peanut and I play all day long! grandma bought some fun toys that stay at her house that I just love! Today I bounced around in a bouncy thing and just loved it! It can entertain me forever! I love it when Grandma is on the computer because she lets me help type.

Grandma says I have been a really good napper and an all-around good girl! I think she thinks I am wild because I love to be bounced around!! I am a little crazy and I am not afraid of anything!!

I have my own crib and highchair at Grandma's - it is just like I live there during the day! i really can't think of anything her house is missing. i love me Grandma!




1 comment:

Grandma Vicki said...


What a lucky little girl you are to have your grandma come from Massachusetts to watch you while your mom and dad work. It makes us all feel good to know you are in such good hands and with someone who loves you so much!!! You are the best girl and we are glad you got your two teeth in, bet you feel better!!