Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a busy week!

This was such a fun and bust week! Sunday G'pa Horton babysat me while mom and dad went to the Chiefs game. The game was so bad that mom and dad came home super early!! My Daddy had to travel for 3 days...I missed him so much, but he had to work! He must have missed me too because he gave me lots of kisses when he got home!
Monday night Mom met me, G'ma and G'pa Fimmen, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob at the place that the wedding reception will be at! I got to help plan some of the what everyone would eat for dinner! It was so much fun - after we all went out to dinner at Garozzo's!

Tuesday my best friend Syndey and her mom Lori and Dawnielle came over to our house for a fun girls night!! We played while the moms talked and ate pizza!

Wednesday Daddy came home from traveling and spent lots of time with me while mommy git her hair done! Thursday was a normal day with my normal routine - I played at grandma's during the day and then did our normal stuff at night! I was super sleepy though and went to bed early!!

Friday was a really fun day...Aunt Jenny and Grandma took me to what mom calls the "best thing to do in Kansas City"! We went to the Junior League holiday mart and shopped like crazy! Aunt Jenny put me in the Baby Biourne carrier and she walked with me - it was so much fun to get to watch everyone and see all the cool things! I love to shop! I even ran into Grandma Horton and mommy at the holiday mart! It was a very fun girls day!! Friday night we had a Halloween party at a neighbors house and I even got to go! I got to stay up past my bedtime and was a really good girl!
Saturday Dad, G'ma and G'pa Horton watched me all day long because mommy went shopping at the Holiday mart again (after all, it only happens once a year)! G'ma and G'pa Horton babysat me while mom and dad went out to dinner and we had so much fun!!
Today we went over to mom and dad's friends house (Rich and Randa). They have a 3 month old daughter Madeline that I got to meet - it is crazy to think I was once that little too!!
I hope this week is as fun as last week!! We go to Pittsburg on Tuesday to get family pictures taken!! I already have a bruise below my eye!!! Ever since I have been so mobile I have been falling and banging myself up all over!!! I love to crawl backwards and roll all over the place! I also like to try to climb on top of things!!! - that is usually how I get ouchy's!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Standing Video...

Here I am standing all by myself!!

Here I am crawling backwards!

I can do all of this:

Stand holding on to someone or something, play peek-a-boo, wave, clap my hands, give "five", crawl backwards, pull up into a sitting position from my stomach, pull into a standing position from sitting. I love to say: Momma, Dada, baba, Poop, boo and some other stuff no one else understands but me! I should say however that I do not really do anything on command...just when I want! hahahaha!!!




Hello Everyone!

It has been about a week since I have posted pictures and video, so today is the day! I had a really busy week. My Grandpa Fimmen moved back to Kansas City and I am so happy! We went over to G'ma and G'pa's house to welcome him home last Sunday - he drove all the way from Massachusetts's to be here! We have a fun dinner and I got to play with him! I just love staring at him!!

I am a really inquisitive baby and love to stare at people and things to figure them all out! I can get really wild too. Lately I have been making monster sounds and they make everyone laugh so hard! I learned how to crawl backwards and just today I learned how to lift myself back up into a sitting position from a crawling position and laying on my belly! I am so strong! It will be any day that I am crawling all over the place. Today mom and dad are starting to baby proof the house! It is so fun because they think I amn in one place but I trick them and move somewhere else! Our house has such fun things I want to play with - I can't wait to have freedom and crawl anywhere I want!!

Grandma Fimmen got me a walker to play with at her house! I am not that tall and can't get it to move everywhere, but I can tell it will be one of my favorite toys soon! I can't wait to roll all over that house! Grandma has a big bouncy ball at her house that I love to crawl on and bounce on - so much fun!

I have so much fun pulling myself up on everything to stand! It is such a fun new trick that I want to stand all the time, after all, I have laid around for almost 8 months! My teeth are still bothering me a lot! I just want all of them to grow in already! I heard that I will not get them all until I am around 2 - no fair!

Well, I better go take a nap, I am getting a bit grouchy!




Thursday, October 16, 2008

I crawl backwords!

I just love to roll around all over the place. You better not leave me alone for long because I go crazy!! I can now crawl backwards! It is so cool that I can get the things I want now. I just scoot back and there it is!!! So Fun!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Update about me!

I have some new tricks!!! I can wave hi and bye (I think you already know that because I could do that a long time ago), I can "give five", I can clap and today Grandma Fimmen taught me how to play paddy cake!! I am really getting to be a big girl!

I am working on crawling right now - so far I can get into the crawling position and I love to rock back and forth! I can really reach for things and will get into the crawl position and throw my body towards things to get them! I love to pull myself up on things - in fact, Mom and Dad had to lower my crib because they were nervous I would jump right out of it!! I think everyone is nervous for when I do crawl....they are wondering how they will ever be able to go to the bathroom without putting me in a safe place! Right now I am pretty easy because they know I can not get too far....just wait!

I got this really cool toy that is a big band and I love to hit it as hard as I can and giggle to play the music! Everyone thinks I like to play rough and that I am a little bit wild and crazy!! I love it when my dad makes funny faces at me - he makes me smile so big and just die laughing...he is one funny man!

I am eating lots of baby food now. I still do not really like meats, but love my fruits and even most of my veggies! Mom even let me have some bites of her frozen yogurt the other may now be my favorite food!!

I have my two bottom teeth, but now my top 2 are trying to come in and boy do they hurt. I have not been able to sleep really well this week because they hurt so bad. I am so lucky I have such a nice mom and dad who just LOVE to spend time with me in the middle of the night when I can't sleep! I know they love to play with me at 3am!! They are such night owls, just like me!!

I have some really good news!!! My Grandma and Grandpa Fimmen are moving back to Kansas City!! Yippee!! That means I can play with them all the time! Grandpa will be here in a few days! I can't wait to see him....he may not recognize me I am so big now!

Aunt Jenny's wedding is getting really close! I can't wait to be her flower girl! My dress is so pretty! My Grandma and Grandpa Horton are going to take care of me a lot the weekend my Aunt Jenny gets married! I get to go to all the parties, but can't stay up as late as the grown ups do...darn!

Last weekend Grandma and Grandpa Horton were in town. We ate at a really fun restaurant and I got to play with them There is a picture of me and Grandpa below!

I have to say...I am really attached to my pacifier! I just love that thing even more now that I am a big girl. Ihope I can suck onit forever and ever...even when I am big!



This is something really fun I get to do at Grandma Fimmen's house when she watches me during the day!!! I usually get crazier than this video!! I just love it when it talks to me and tells me to "jump'! It really makes Grandma laugh!




Pumpkin Patch

Mom and Grandma Fimmen took me to a pumpkin patch this week! I was really sleepy and grouchy and more interested in the big truck that came by than the camera and I think mom is disappointed in the pumpkin pictures!!! I kept giving the old lady face because my teeth hurt!! I am just about to get my 2 top front teeth - can't wait until they come in so I stop hurting so bad!!

Well, here are a few although they are not my best modeling!! I even included a few pictures taken inside the grocery store!!!


Thursday, October 9, 2008

It has been awhile!

I am so sorry for my lack of blogging lately. I have been a really busy kid! I am busy playing with Grandma and going on walks with her! We have so much fun during the day! I have also been busy learning new tricks! I can officially clap my hands when I get very excited and I can "give five"! It is so fun to watch everyone cheer me on! I am really close to crawling too! I get on my hands and knees and love to rock back and forth and roll around all over the place!! I am so excited all the time and learning new things that I can barely sit still!

I found the light switch yesterday when grandma was holding me, but she told me to be careful and that I can get an ouchy if I play with electricity!! I also love to drink out of mom and dads cups!! I am such a big girl!

The other day mom, grandma and I went to the pumpkin patch at the grocery store and took lots of pictures! I was not in the picture taking mood and did not smile much!! Dad had to stay home one day this week as we got a security system installed. I was so excited because that meant he and I got to play all day! He is so much fun and makes me giggle like crazy!
I will blog again this weekend once mom downloads my new pictures!!
