Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Here are the pictures I promised from my fun-filled weekend!!
Have I told you how much I love to drink out of big girl cups!!!???
Here we are at lunch on Saturday before the big shopping trip!
Here I am at Spin Pizza! I love my Paci!!
Here is my cousin Tom!! Yippee - he came in town!!
Here is Aunt Jenny and my buddy Peanut Friday night of Aunt Jenny's party!

I met my cousin Colleen for the first time! She is so nice!

I was so sad I missed belly dancing lessons! When I get big I want to have lessons too!

Here is Dad, Tom and my - we had fun together Saturday night with the boys!

Aunt Carolyn came in town for the big party! I love you Aunt Carolyn!

I missed all the real fun - but here are all the girls during belly dancing lessons at my house!

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