Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a weekend!

This weekend was my aunt Jenny's bachelorette party festival!!! It started Friday night with a big party that mom did not bring me to! I was so sad to miss it, but I hear everyone had so much fun! Grandpa Fimmen came over to my house and I hung out with him and daddy! It was so much fun and I had a huge giggle fit and laughed like crazy at my funny Daddy!!! The really funny thing is that I would not go to sleep (I don't think dad found it really funny though!)...I partied until 10:30!!!!

I did get to attend Saturday's fun afternoon of shopping at the grand opening of Von Maur department store, lunch at Spin Pizza and I even got to meet the belly dancer at my house that gave all the girls lessons! It looked like it was so much fun! I want to learn how to belly dance when I get big! Dad picked me up that night and took me to Grandpa Fimmen's house where I hung out with the boys all night! We played and played all night long! My cousin Tom was in town and I got to play with him! he is just so cute and getting super big! he can even stand up all by himself for a little bit - he will have to teach me how to do that!

Sunday Dad and i hung out until mom got home from spending the night at Aunt Jenny's new house! We relaxed all day long and watched football! So much fun - I love to hang out and relax at home!!

I will blog more later and add pictures!!

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