Friday, December 26, 2008

It was a VERY Merry Christmas!

My first Christmas was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again next year!!! We went to Pittsburg the day before Christmas Eve to visit G'ma Vicki, G'pa Dick, Uncle Chris and Great G'ma and Great G'pa. On Christmas Eve we all had a great big dinner and then opened presents!!! It was great! Santa must have thought I have been a really good girl because there were so many gifts under the tree! I played all night long! I especially loved the very last present I opened....a rocking horse that moves and makes noises!!! He is so cool that I gave him lots of hugs and kisses. I knew just how to ride him too and rode the horsey like a BIG girl! Maybe when I am 5 I can get my very own real life horse!!! I got dressed up in my Christmas dress. It was really hard to crawl in so mom had to change me into my Christmas jammies so I could crawl like a maniac all over the place!!
We got up early on Christmas morning and drove home for Christmas at our house. It looks like Santa made it down the Chimney okay because I had lots of fun presents waiting for me...a doll house bookcase, a monkey, lots of fun balls and other great toys! After mom, dad and I opened our presents and spent the morning together we went over to Grama and Grandpa Fimmen's house to celebrate some more!!
Mom, Dad and I were the first one's over there so I got to play with G'ma and G'pa all by myself!! I listened to my favorite Christmas music at Grama's like always and we played and danced and sang!! Everyone played games and had a nice lunch and I took a good long nap to rest up for the night of more food and presents!! My cousin Tom, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Tom, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob all came over and the party began!!! It was so cool to have everyone there. They let Tom and I open our presents first!! What was so cool was that both sets of G'ma's and G'pa's got me my favorite present!!! They must know me so well that they both got me the horsey!!! How cool is that...2 horsey's!!! Cousin Tom got the coolest gift ever...a big yellow dump truck...since I am a girl I got a tea set instead....I really wanted the dump truck though! I got really sleepy after such a busy few days that I fell asleep and did not even get to watch the adults open gifts...cousin Tom is a party animal though and stayed up super lucky is he!?!

Well, I can't hardly wait for next Christmas...364 more days!!!

Thank you to everyone who made my Christmas so special! I love you!

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