Friday, January 30, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Updates on me...
  • I love to "shake, Shake, Shake" my bottle, cups and everything that makes noises or has liquid in it...just like mommy, daddy and Grama taught me!
  • I have this fun new game where I drink lots of water and then spit out the water - kinds like a cool waterfall! I think it is hilarious!
  • I witnessed my first presidential inauguration (is that how you spell it)!
  • I love my Little People villages, bus and toys and Grama Fimmens!
  • I love to point at everything
  • I am one friendly baby and say "Hi" and "Bye" to everyone! It is really fun when strangers say "hi" back to me - it makes me smile!
  • I love my toy box I got for Christmas - i love to open and shut it over and over again and to pull out all the toys I can reach so I make a huge mess in the living room!
  • Oh, the living room is pretty empty because we are waiting for our new furniture to come. I never want it to come because I have that room all to myself as one big playroom!!
  • When we walk up the stairs I like to hold on to the railing just like grown ups do!
  • I ate half of a banana at Grama's house! I hate getting my hands dirty so I don't like her to put it on my tray for me to pick up and eat...I prefer to take big bites out of it myself!
  • I say "uh oh" when anything is dirty or out of place. If there is a crumb on the floor I have to let everyone know the house is dirty and we must clean it up right away!
  • I love to play with Murphy's toys. I get in her toy box and try to hand her toys. I even like to throw Murphy her ball!
  • I got my bottom right 2nd is my fifth one!
  • I really love to "put things where they go" when mommy asks me to. I put my diaper paste in the basket, the diapers where they go...I love to help mom get organized. I would rather not help put toys where they go are for playing with!

Well, that is about all that is new with me! I will make sure I keep you posted! This weekend I get to experience my first Super Bowl!!! How fun!




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