Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Tricks

76d54zbg fhnmd x- we 2 ` - Love, Kate..I typed this time!

I decided I should update you on some of the fun new things I do. Well, I can crawl really fast and I like to crawl with my bottom in the air and my knees fun! I can stand for just a second by myself - once I notice I am standing on my own I get freaked out and get excited and fall! I stand and creep against furniture and people. I love to follow mom, dad and Murphy. When mom tells me it is bathy time I crawl right into the bathroom ready to play and get cleaned up! I think it is super fun to scoot myself along the tile floor!

I say "hi" a lot and give many hugs and kisses (opened mouth ones that get you wet)!! I still jibber jabber all the time and am always so busy (no wonder I need my naps)!

I can hold my own bottle and put myself to sleep! I now eat big girl food (although I still get most my nutrients off of my baby food, cereal and formula! I have tried hamburgers, flour tortillas, pears, guacamole, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, pizza, french fries, ice cream, green beans, bread, crackers, and lots of other fun things!

I have some major curls in the back of my hair. Mom and Dad think they are super cute!


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