Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Very Contagious"!!!

Well, the doctor was right...I am very contagious! Mom and Dad took me to urgent care at Children's Mercy Sunday night after I came down with a horrific flu Sunday morning at 4am! I have not been feeling good ever since and I have gotten everyone sick that saw me Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (with one exception...let's hope Grandpa Dick does not get sick)! I am so sleepy and yucky feeling that I will not eat solid foods and they had to cut my fluid intake a bit so I would stop throwing up. Everyone is making sure I do not get dehydrated though...they even went so far as to try to give me disgusting Pedialite via syringe...I let mom know how mad that made me and threw up all over her and the kitchen counter! I'll show her to try to force me to do something I don't want to! I really love cuddling right now and resting whenever I get a chance - even right on my blue bounce ball.

I feel so bad I got everyone sick...little old me! Who knew something so tiny and adorable could be such a germ carrier! If everyone had the same thing I had...yuck! At least I have someone to clean me up and take care of me! The doctor said that if I don't feel better by Friday that I need to go back in...let's hope I get better!

I am sorry to everyone I made sick and hope everyone gets to feeling better very soon!

I Love you!

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