Mom, Dad and Grama have been having some struggles with what to feed me. See, I am pretty picky and let them know it! I would rather just eat Goldfish, Cheerios, crackers, bread...anything carbohydrate!! I have decided I am sick of baby food....except for some yummy fruit - I will eat it out of a baby food jar sometimes. I really like chicken fingers!
Grama had a painter come paint the inside of their house and now I can show everyone what a painter does! I move my arm up and down like I am painting!!! I still love to drive my Barbie car and have lots of fun riding in my wagon - it was nice out one day and Daddy took me for a ride outside in it!! I love to throw kisses (from my ear, not my mouth) and am starting to want to feed is cool how messy it gets! Good thing Murphy is around to clean up after is really funny how I am her best friend now - she just loves me and won't leave my side when it is dinner or snack time!
Now that I can walk I get around SO fast! Before mom and dad even know it I am tricking them by climbing up 2 stairs!! I am so funny that I wait for them to come get me and then I giggle like crazy and try to go as fast as I can up the stairs!! It is such a fun game!! I think they like it too because they sure run to me fast when they see me on the stairs! Fun stuff!
One day I thought I was so funny and when Grama Fimmen had me on her lap I lifted up her shirt and pressed her belly button!! HA!! I can say "bubbles" (kind of). Actually I can sound most first letters of words after people ask me to (i.e. I say "ca" for clock or "Ba" for Becky (my parent teacher educator)! Becky thinks I am pretty advanced for my age!!! Mommy, Daddy and Grama F. were so excited! Now Grama is working on some of my areas I was not as brilliant on, like stacking blocks and using a shape sorter!!
Now that I am walking I got my first pair of big girl walking shoes from Stride Rite. I was so excited, but I think mom and dad had a little sticker shock!!! Especially since the lady at the store said they would have to bring me back in 3 months for a new pair!!
I love to pretend....for example, I now pretend like I am eating and will share. I make little eating sounds when I put make believe food up to my mouth and say "aah" after I am done! I can now stand myself up in the middle of the room with no help of anyone or anything! I still just love to play with balls and call for them to come out to play with me "ball!!". I love it when people chase me...I get the major giggles and run as fast as I can. Daddy is really good at chasing and getting me!
I have a new sound that for some reason makes Daddy laugh like crazy and although I know mommy thinks it is hilarious, I think she may be a little embarrassed!!! When anyone asks me what I stinker says I tell them by blowing a big and loud raspberry! It is a crowd favorite!!!
I can point out my belly, nose, mouth and eyes when asked. I know what my shoes and socks are and help mommy and daddy when they dress me by pulling my arms through the shirts! When I get sleepy I get the major giggles and get so slap happy!
I had my 12 month doctor appointment and checked out well! I weigh 24lbs and 3 oz (87th percentile), am 29" long (36th percentile) and have a head circumference of 18" (67th percentile). Don't worry...the doctor said that I am not doomed to be a short fat kid!!! hahahaha!!!!
I am a bit of a clown and love to make people laugh!! I have a new funny thing I do...Grama Fimmen would say to me "Kate, be careful...if you fall you will cry" - when she says cry I scrunch my face up in a sad face and make a funny cry sound!!! It makes everyone crack up and then say it over and over so I fake cry!!! Mommy cracks up the hardest over this one!
When I want you to listen to something I say "shh, shh, shh" so we can hear. Grama Fimmen taught me listen for airplanes, garbage trucks (I love those things), motorcycles and all sorts of things. I love to watch for birdies with Grama Fimmen too!! They are so sweet...Gram put out a new bird feeder....I hope that means the birdies will come over to play all the time!
My favorite shows are Barney and Sesame Street! Barney is the best though!!! I say "Ba" and love all the music. I dance through the entire show!!
Well, that was a long update, but it was long overdo!
Love you!
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