Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update on me!!

I am now 14 1/2 months old and am up to so many new tricks...I am surprising myself with all the fun things I learn and do everyday! I can now put together (and take apart) my blocks! I can do all the actions to the song "if your happy and you know it", I can scribble on my magna doodle..which is so much fun! I can say "nay" like a horsey, and "moo" like a cow. I say up when I want up (and when I want down)! I say "juice", "baba" for bottle, "wa wa" for water. I love to sing the graduation song with mommy and daddy and love to sing "la la la"...I have such a pretty voice! I give lots of hugs and kisses...even on the lips! I no longer have to say "Fa" for Murphy....instead I call her "MUR!". I can say "Elmo" and just love to play with him...he is one of my favorite toys!

I have been really busy sprouting new teeth and they hurt! I have 3 molar's now, but am cutting another right now! I love to sit on the big girl chairs and couches, but have to obey the "sit on your bottom" rule or I get taken off the big girl chair! I get in trouble with trying to play with our plantation is just so much fun to move them up and down! I make a really funny "pucker" face that everyone thinks is just hilarious!! I say "uh oh" when I do the pucker face and get an even bigger laugh!! I like to "chill" and sit back and relax with everyone.

I'll keep you posted on all my upcoming tricks!

I love you!

Here I am playing wtih Murphy's food...I get in trouble for this, but do it over and over again!!

Here is me doing my "pucker" face and saying "uh oh"

"Chillin" in the big girl chair!
Chillin again!
I love Elmo!

1 comment:

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

You're pucker face is adorable- even cuter in person (if that is even possible!!!)