Sunday, May 24, 2009

Family Vacation!

Some of you probably wondered where I have been. Well, Mommy, Daddy and I went on a family vacation for 1 whole week in Destin, FL! We had so much fun! We had a really long delay at the airports and got to Florida 7 hours later than we were supposed one was happy about that, but once we got there it was AMAZING! I loved the pool - and even say "pool", but did not want to get close to the ocean or the sand for the matter...Yuck! I loved to sit and walk out on our balcony and watch the ocean and all the big waves though. We had an amazing was like we were in the ocean we were so close! Mom liked to have the door open to the balcony all the time so we could hear the wave’s crash!! I liked it too!

We went out to eat at some really fun even had alligators I got to see! I was adventurous in my eating this trip!! I learned I love McDonalds Chicken McNuggets! I had some good pizza and lots of bites of whatever mom and dad were eating! Luckily we had a kitchen at the place we stayed and I could have my favorites for lunch...mac n' cheese and hot diggity dogs!!

It was really windy for the entire trip so it was sometimes a bit cold at the pool so we played on the sundeck and I would walk on the beach with mom and dad as long as someone held me really tight. I acted like a monkey and squeezed them so tight with my arms and legs to make sure they did not set me down in that sand!! I would say "no no no" as we got close to the ocean. I trusted that they would not let me down so it was ok!

We did lots of shopping and they bought me some fun stuff! The first few nights I did not sleep in mom and dads room, but then it was a miracle and they let me sleep in their room with them! It was so cool! In the middle of the night I would cry for them and not let them lay me back in the, I got to sleep right there between them. It was awesome...I hope we continue this at home and make it a tradition! Although I think mom and dad have other plans for my sleeping arrangements! Darn!

There was not a highchair in the place we stayed so I got to sit on mom and dads lap to eat. I was really lucky and a few times they even put the food on the coffee table and let me eat standing up!!! I would eat a little, then play and come back and eat some more. That is my favorite way to eat!!

I now know how to do BIG smiles when mom and dad say “cheese” so we can take pictures! I smile so big and wide that my eyes close and sometimes I get a real funny expression!! CHEESE!!

I just loved my beach vacation and can not wait for mom and dad to plan the next one!!! I hope it is really soon...maybe then I will love the ocean and the sand!



Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

My gosh little girl- you are growing up SO fast!!!!! Swimming with big girl floaties on; I am impressed! I am so glad you loved Florida and I can not wait to see you tomorrow at the Royals game!

Love you!

Rob, Jenny, Anna, Ashley and Abby said...

and I LOVE the 19th picture from the top- LOVE it!