Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Best Friend Came over to Play!!

I was very lucky to have mom take off work Monday! We went shopping in the morning. I was a really good bribed me with Teddy Graham just to make sure! Then, in the afternoon my best friend Sydney came over to play. Her mom and my Aunt Jenny came over too! It was so much fun! I showed Sydney my toys and we played all over the place. We both loved playing with Baby Bella and all her equipment...the cradle and her stroller!! It is hard to share, but I tried. Sydney drinks out of a cool sippy cup and I wanted to drink out of her cup all day. Mom informed me that I have the same sippy cups and I refuse to drink out of my own...I guess Sydney's are just that much cooler!

I can't wait for my next play date!

Daddy took off work on Tuesday and we were lucky enough to get to drive down to Pittsburg for the day! We got to play with my Great Grama and Grandpa and my Grama Vicki! We went out to lunch and even got to play around the mall. I went to the arcade and then had so much fun throwing pennies in the fountain!! I kept asking for "more" and "more" pennies... I have a lot of wishes to make!!


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