Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I only like milk in bottles!

I am having a very hard week. Mom and Dad thought that they would be mean and stop giving me my bottles cold turkey! I was down to 2 a day and just loved them! They even have the nerve to try to get me to drink my milk in cups! They have tried at least 5 different cup options, but they can't fool me...I know it is milk. Milk is only good in a bottle! I will not drink them and I have a huge fit just to show them how mad I am! I scream, say "no no no" and arch my back and make a big fuss! The first time mom tried to trick me with milk in a sippy cup I was so surprised and disgusted that I threw up all over myself and her...I showed her!

Mom took me to the doctor last week and they recommended she stop the bottle and mom and dad listened! I remember my mom reading somewhere that I did not have to stop the bottle until I was 18 months old...that would buy me some time with my favorite morning and evening snack, but they are stopping it now! A bottle is such a cheery way to start my day and such a relaxing way to end my nights! Even though I know mom and dad miss the special time they had with me when feeding me my bottle they will not back down on this torture! If they think this is bad just wait until they try to take away my paci...that will be WAR!

I know they are both stressed out at finding other ways to get me my calcium throughout the day. So far they have tried sweet potatoes (I am not too sure about those), yogurt (I really like it), cheese and a few other things. I hear they are going to the store to buy calcium fortified OJ (whatever that is), pudding (sounds tasty), cottage cheese (don't think I will like that) and some other weird stuff. I don't know why they are going out of their way...I am sure mac and cheese has all the calcium I need!!! heehee!

Well, I will keep you posted on this bottle thing. I sure do miss it, but I think I will never get to drink out of one again!! Darn!


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