Sunday, June 7, 2009


Last Sunday we went down to Pittsburg so Daddy could help Great Grandpa lay mulch in the yard and to see everyone! I got to lay with Grama, Great Grama and Great Grandpa! It was so much fun! I even got to eat McDonalds Chicken of my favorites!

We went to the mall deli and then got to walk around the mall and throw pennies in the fountain. I just LOVE to throw pennies in the fountain with Great Grama and Grandpa!! Luckily, Great Grandpa brought LOTS of pennies!!

After the mall we went back to Great Grama and Grandpa's house and ate yummy chocolate cake Great Grama made. Mmm, boy did I love the cake!!

I can't wait for my next trip to Pittsburg!
I love you!

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