Saturday, June 13, 2009

This week!

This week was lots of fun! Since Grama and Pa Fimmen are out of town I got to have lots of people watch me all week long. I do miss Grama and Pa though...they come home tomorrow!! On Monday Mommy stayed home and we went shopping and played all day long. Daddy stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday and we played so much and even went to the gym together! On Thursday Pa Horton watched me and I kept him so busy outside! We went up and down the deck stairs hundreds of times! Grama Horton watched me on Friday and we watched Barney and played like crazy!! She even watched me last night when mom and dad went to the Royals game with people from moms work!

Thursday was Grama Horton's Bday so we took her out to dinner. I wanted to hang out with her all dinner long and got so mad whenever anyone took me away from her! After dinner we went to get ice cream at Dairy Queen. I was so excited and kept saying "ice cream" over and over again, but once we got there I was not as excited about eating it! Oh well! Happy Bday Grama!

I am so lucky to have so many people who love me and like spending time with me! Thanks everyone!

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