Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fun day yesterday!

Yesterday was such a busy and fun day! It started off with Aunt Nenny's baby shower! It was at our house and she had lots of friends come over to wish her and Anna well! I took a nap during present opening time, but boy oh boy did Anna get some great loot! I can't wait for my baby cousin to come!

Last night we also went to Michael Wests 60th Bday party. He is my best friend Sydney's Papa as I got to see her. It was so much fun! We played and hugged...she even tried to give me a little bite ( I thought she was kissing me though...see below picture)!

Sydney came over to my house today to say "hi" and we played for a few minutes. I can't wait for us to have one long play date!!

Great Grama and Papa's 65th wedding anniversary - wow!

Last weekend we went to Parsons, Kansas to the 65th wedding anniversary of Papa Horton's mom and dad (my Great Grama and Papa). It was really fun to see the HUGE family and to eat cake and treats!! I had lots of fun seeing everyone!


I love to shop and am such a good girl in stores. When mommy puts on my shoes I ask "shop?" because I hope that is where we are going. When we get into the car I say "shop?" because I love to shop! Especially when mommy and daddy buy me something!


I love to blame Papa for everything. Especially when a door is left open - I say "uh oh door Papa" and when the gate is not put in front of the stairs I say "uh oh gate Papa" or when shoes are left on the floor I say "uh oh shoes Papa". Papa does not mind, after all it is usually Papa who did it! I even blamed Papa for leaving a door opened at Wal-Mart and he wasn't even there! haha!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Just about 17 months old!

I will be 17 months old in a few day and I thought I would give you an update on some of the new stuff I am doing...
  • I love the song :Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys and sing it all the time "Bop bop bop, bop bop bop". I make everyone sing it with me and especially love it when we get to go to and watch and listen to the song and see the Beach Boys sing! It is such a catchy tune!
  • I also love the song "sha na na na, sha na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"! I love to sing it!
  • I can say "I love you" thanks to the Barney song "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family"! I learn so much from my big purple dinosaur! He is really cool and still my favorite TV show! I bring the "memote" (remote) to mom and dad and ask them to put on "Barney" and they usually do!
  • My mom seems to say the same things all the time like "in a minute" and "almost", so I imitate her and say those things before she even gets a chance. "bathy almost?" or "in a minute paci?" are some of the ways I use moms sayings!
  • I love to make crazy facial expressions to show people how I am feeling!
  • When asked what a sad face looks like I pretend like I am crying, when asked about a happy face I get a huge smile, and I frown and furrow my eyebrows when you ask me to show you a mad face! I learned all this from Barney too! From the "every body's got feelings" episode!! heehee!
  • I am also really big right now at asking everyone to "walk" while I take their hand and lead them to where I want to go...often the pantry from some snacks, the living room to read books or the computer to see pictures!
  • I also am getting really good at combining multiple words like: "floor sit", "hi daddy"
  • I can say Grama (not just mama) and saying "Aunt Nenny" (the Aunt part is new)
  • I usually call momma "Mommy" now as I am a big girl!

Mommy and Daddy say I am doing all sorts of new things everyday! They think it is amazing how fast I am growing!




Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Old Time Photo

Here is the picture we took at the lake last weekend! It was so much fun to get all dressed up and get to put on lots and lots of pretty beads! I can't wait until we go to the lake again and get to get dressed up! Hopefully we will be able to convince Daddy to do it again!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Daddy made me my first fort the other day and now I think it is the coolest thing! Luckily mom and dad will make me one whenever I ask for a “fork”! Sometimes they get a bit lazy and only set out one more chair with one blanket on top for a mini fort…then I remind them that I want “more fork” and bring them another blanket so they can make it bigger!! I love big forts and can’t wait until the day we can pull out every blanket in the house to make the biggest fort ever!

I especially love it when my entire family gets in the fort with me. If someone is not in it I go get them and ask them to “walk” with me…and I walk them right into the fort. I even want Murphy in the fort with us…most of the time she will listen to me too!


I have my very own purse! Grama Vicki brought me a purse full of goodies for me when she was here this weekend! I just love it and carry it on my arm just mommy carries one of her purses! Inside it was my very own cell phone (that looks just like a real one), my own digital camera, a comb and a brush!! Everything I need for my outings! I just love my purse and already try to fill all the way to the top with lots of fun stuff!! Thank you Grama!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Aunt Jenny

Aunt Jenny is watching me for two whole weeks while Grama is in Texas with Meghan and Tom! I am having so much fun with her already! One day we stayed at Aunt Jenny's house and we got to go to the pool and splash park! I kept Aunt Jenny so busy by making her take me to the pool, then the splash park, then the pool, then the splash park!! I love to go back and forth! It is so cool she will do almost anything I ask her to do!! I can't wait to tell Anna that I trained her mommy for her! Anna will thank me for that!
I wonder what fun plans Aunt Jenny has lined up for tomorrow?!

Bless You!

I have learned to say "bless you" after people sneeze! Actually, I say bless you after I tease them and imitate there sneeze (or cough for that matter)! Today when Aunt Jenny was over watching me all day (she is watching me for 2 weeks while Grama is in Dallas with Meghan and Tom) I sneezed and told myself "bless you"! Everyone thought it was adorable...I guess I'll keep it up!

More Paci's

I think you all know by now how much I love my pacis...all of them! In fact, they are my best friends! I am not sure if I ever told you, but I love to go to bed with 3 pacis!! One in my mouth and one in each hand! I keep asking mommy "more pacis" until she gives me all three. Sometimes I even ask for four!! heehee! I love my pacis!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The KC Zoo!

Today mommy and daddy took off work so we could go to the Kansas City Zoo as a family! This is my second zoo I have been too (we went to the Omaha zoo this spring) and I love the animals!!

I have to say that the KC Zoo did was not as good as the one in Omaha, but that is okay! It was a pretty day and I had so much fun with mommy and daddy!

My favorite animals were the sea lions! They did a really neat show with them and I just laughed and cheered them on! My favorite see lion was Vince! He did all the fun tricks and even has his own ball!!

I also went on my very first carousel ride and sat on the elephant! It was so much fun and I loved how the elephant went up and down…daddy got some fun pictures of me and mommy!

Uncle Chris!

Uncle Chris came into town from New York City!! Uncle Chris, Papa, and Grama all came over to our house Sunday, then we went out to dinner and then they came back over to play with me! I can say “Chris” and he gets really excited! I am really sad to say that mommy and daddy forgot to take any pictures with me and Chris!! Darn it, we will have to wait for December when he comes back into town!

Grama brought me my very own purse and it is so cool! It is filled with my own cell phone, camera, hair brush, comb and barrettes!! I had so much fun playing with all of it. I think the camera is my most favorite. I say “cheese” and take pictures of myself and everyone else!!


The Lake!!

Mommy, Dadda, Grama F, Papa F, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Peanut and I all went to the Lake of the Ozarks for a last minute trip over the 4th of July! It was so much fun! I got to swim in the pool, go out to eat, play with my family, see fireworks, go shopping at the outlet mall and all sorts of fun stuff!! Our place was right on the lake and we got to look at the water all the time!

One day our air conditioning broke and we were all really hot. It was broke for most of one day, an entire night and some of the next day! The repair man came so we could finally not sweat all the time!!

I got really attached to my Uncle Rob and said his name all the time!! I kinda flirted with him too! I thought it was really funny to tease Aunt Jenny and call her “Emma” (Emma is a girl I met at Mommy’s work and I really like her name). It drive Aunt Jenny crazy, but I thought I was hilarious!!

We went to the outlet mall and I was a really good girl! I shopped and shopped and never complained once…maybe it was because all mom and dad bought was stuff for me!! I just love bows and mom and dad got me some new ones! I love to ask for them to be put in my hair and then take them out! I really love it when mom will listen to me and put a whole bunch in my hair!!! It is so much fun to take all them out!

The fireworks were really fun! I can say “fireworks” and kept asking for more and more! We would all chant “we want more, we want more”! They were so colorful…I would say “ohh ahh”! I also loved the really loud firecrackers…boom!!

Grama and Aunt Jenny taught me the song “Naa Naa Naa Naa, Naa Naa Naa Naa, hey hey hey, goodbye” and we sang it a few hundred times!!

My crib was set up in mom and dads bedroom…it was so cool because when I would fuss they would put me right in there bed! I got to sleep right in between them and I just loved it! They told me I am a bed hog though!!! I love to snuggle and roll around!

For Daddy's birthday we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant (no surprise there)! The food was really yummy...especially the cheese dip! I love to "dip, dip, dip" and love to make a big mess. Take a look at a few pictures below!

I have been telling everyone I have to go "poop" and then go poop in my diaper a little bit later. Because of this, mommy and Grama thought it would be a good idea to start potty training at the lake and brought my potty. I thought it was such a fun game and would tell them I had to poop just so mommy had to take off my diaper, put me on the potty, sing the potty song, take me off the potty (after I did NOT poop), wash my hands, chase me around to get me, fight me while she tried to put my diaper back on again! So much fun....I love the potty!

Happy 4th of July!

I had a diaper wedgie!!! Heehee!

I love cheese dip!!