Friday, July 17, 2009

Just about 17 months old!

I will be 17 months old in a few day and I thought I would give you an update on some of the new stuff I am doing...
  • I love the song :Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys and sing it all the time "Bop bop bop, bop bop bop". I make everyone sing it with me and especially love it when we get to go to and watch and listen to the song and see the Beach Boys sing! It is such a catchy tune!
  • I also love the song "sha na na na, sha na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"! I love to sing it!
  • I can say "I love you" thanks to the Barney song "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family"! I learn so much from my big purple dinosaur! He is really cool and still my favorite TV show! I bring the "memote" (remote) to mom and dad and ask them to put on "Barney" and they usually do!
  • My mom seems to say the same things all the time like "in a minute" and "almost", so I imitate her and say those things before she even gets a chance. "bathy almost?" or "in a minute paci?" are some of the ways I use moms sayings!
  • I love to make crazy facial expressions to show people how I am feeling!
  • When asked what a sad face looks like I pretend like I am crying, when asked about a happy face I get a huge smile, and I frown and furrow my eyebrows when you ask me to show you a mad face! I learned all this from Barney too! From the "every body's got feelings" episode!! heehee!
  • I am also really big right now at asking everyone to "walk" while I take their hand and lead them to where I want to go...often the pantry from some snacks, the living room to read books or the computer to see pictures!
  • I also am getting really good at combining multiple words like: "floor sit", "hi daddy"
  • I can say Grama (not just mama) and saying "Aunt Nenny" (the Aunt part is new)
  • I usually call momma "Mommy" now as I am a big girl!

Mommy and Daddy say I am doing all sorts of new things everyday! They think it is amazing how fast I am growing!




1 comment:

Henry said...

Hi Kate! Posted a few photos from our playdate:

It was good to see you!

Aaron, Laura & Henry