Sunday, August 9, 2009


This weekend was so HOT that we tried to spend it inside or around water!!! So, yesterday I played with a really cool sprinkler ball Grama Vicki got me and today we got ready really early and went to the pool!!

Mom has not downloaded our pictures yet, but she will soon and you can see how cool the sprinkler ball is!!! Daddy tricked me and told me to go up to the ball and give it a hug....when I did he turned the water on and I got all wet!!! I was a little mad at first, but then thought it was hilarious!! I made mom and dad get all wet too and run around and around the sprinkler ball!! We blew bubbles, ate popsicles and I got to drink some orange was so much fun!

This morning we went to the pool by 8:45 am to avoid the really hot day!! It was so fun because we were the only one's there! I got to play everywhere! Mommy and daddy think it is so funny because if you ask me what I do at the pool I say "sit" because I love to sit in the water and make mommy sit right next to me!

Hopefully next week is another hot one so we can play with water all weekend long too!

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